[ubuntu-us] Ubuntu Gaming Team

Danny Piccirillo danny.piccirillo at ubuntu.com
Fri Apr 24 13:44:18 BST 2009

Could a solution be to simply link to Debian/Ubuntu games team for
packaging? It may have caused a tiny bit of confusion with the announcement,
but i really don't foresee any other confusion. If it becomes a problem then
it'll definitely be worth changing, but i don't think it will be.


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 08:40, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com> wrote:

> First, apologies for the off topic cross-posting to many lists, but it was
> really hard for me to tell which one to drop.
> > In recognition of the value of FOSS gaming, the Ubuntu Gaming Team has
> > been
> > formed of mutual benefit to Ubuntu and FOSS gaming. As of today, the team
> > is
> > now open for anyone to join and participate in. Working towards improving
> > FOSS games and developing its community will turn a significant barrier
> > against Ubuntu adoption into an appealing reason to switch.
> >
> > The Ubuntu Gaming Team will work to address the obstacles hindering
> growth
> > in FOSS gaming such as the need for effective distributed content
> > management
> > or significant investment in free content development in order to promote
> > FOSS gaming through Ubuntu and Ubuntu through FOSS gaming. New ideas are
> > encouraged and appreciated.
> I appreciate the enthusiasm, but with your choice of names is going to
> cause problems.  First, while an effort like you are describing might
> benefit Ubuntu, it is not about doing anything within Ubuntu (the distro),
> it seems to be about trying to leverage the Ubuntu community towards a
> goal.
> As it happens, Ubuntu (the distro) already has a team that works with
> Debian on packaging FOSS games for Debian and Ubuntu.  This team is the
> Debian Games team.  Based on the first reply to your message, you've
> already created a point of confusion.  Ubuntu (the distro) doesn't need a
> team to cooperate with the Debian games team as it is already a joint
> Debian/Ubuntu team (this isn't the only case of this - another example is
> the pkg-clamav team that works on packaging clamav and related packages).
> I would encourage you to reconsider your choice of names and select one
> that isn't going to cause confusion.
> > FOSS gaming is important to Ubuntu as a lack of quality games is one of
> > the
> > most cited reasons preventing users from switching from Windows. Gamers,
> > who
> > currently feed off of the proprietary software model, represent a large
> > and
> > valuable user base. They will not even begin to gradually migrate to
> > Ubuntu
> > until their needs are met. They are very capable of understanding the
> > ideological and technical benefits of using a free operating system like
> > Ubuntu, and are often interested in switching, but higher value is placed
> > on
> > high quality gaming and the entire demographic will not budge until the
> > pragmatic advantages of open source actualize through FOSS gaming.
> >
> > The team is dedicated to FOSS gaming, and will not push for commercial
> > games
> >  on Linux as significant effort is already put into the development of
> > Wine
> > and pressuring video game publishers to port their work to Linux. Once
> > FOSS
> > gaming reaches its "tipping point", code and content will be easily
> reused
> > to foster the development of new games and innovative ideas in gaming.
> The
> > Ubuntu Gaming Team fills a great need for an organized effort to support
> > FOSS gaming.
> > http://pinstack.blogspot.com/2009/04/announcing-ubuntu-gaming-team.html
> I think you are using the name Ubuntu here is a way that is really
> confusing.  This isn't about Ubuntu gaming, it's about FOSS game
> development.
> > Launchpad: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gaming<https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-gaming>
> > Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GamingTeam
> > #ubuntu-gaming <
> http://java.freenode.net//index.php?channel=ubuntu-gaming>
> > Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
> Finally, you sent this to an Ubuntu development list.  This list is to
> discuss development of Ubuntu.  Your announcement seems to be at most
> about development ON Ubuntu, not development OF Ubuntu.  I think it's off
> topic.
> I would encourage you to consider your goal and brand your team more
> appropriately to that goal.
> Scott K
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