[ubuntu-us] The Big Release Tomorrow

paul at guptaxpn.com paul at guptaxpn.com
Thu Apr 23 13:50:27 BST 2009

> On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 16:37 -0700, Paul Bartell wrote:
>> when/where will the torrent file be available? (And what time will it
>> be released? In previous years, there was no answer to this question.
>> is this still the case)
> The torrent files are available on every mirror, as they always are and
> have been for the last 5 years (they all point to the same tracker,
> regardless of specific mirror).
> While the time of release is usually "when it's ready", it's also pushed
> back by 15 minutes every time someone asks "is it out yet?"
> --
> Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu California Local Community Team
Also, I'm just curious, is there a link to the *torrents available?

I'd like to setup a cronjob to automatically download it while I'm at

What *time* will it be released?!

My friend wants me to install a new linux OS on his EEE this weekend and
I'd ilke to have it downloaded by the time I get home.

I'd like to setup a cronjob to download the .torrent to a folder being
watched by transmission.

is there an RSS feed available?



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