[ubuntu-us] Next Meeting?

Arno Weber inet_services2003 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 23 04:11:55 GMT 2008

One idea for newer teams that got my attention I thought was interesting was going into a store such as Best Buy or Wal - Mart and booting up the live cd to let people know there is something out there other than Windows.

Not too sure how happy MorphOS, OpenSolaris, or FreeBSD would potentially be about this. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Nick Ali <nali at ubuntu.com>
To: US LoCo Teams <ubuntu-us at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 4:31:58 PM
Subject: [ubuntu-us] Next Meeting?

Should we set up another meeting? Maybe to discuss what LoCos are
planning on doing for Hardy release parties and install fests? Maybe
help out some of the newer teams with ideas?




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