[ubuntu-us] Next US Teams Project Meeting

Joe Terranova joeterranova at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 04:15:35 GMT 2007

Then we can discuss not having a leader at the meeting. But if we're
only going to only have a team contact, then we should clarify what
authority a team contact has -- that being not much at all. That lack
of authority should be enforced, even in times of conflict.

On Nov 25, 2007 11:11 PM, Aaron Toponce <aaron.toponce at gmail.com> wrote:
> Why all the politics?  Let's just run the project as a project as we've
> been doing for the past 11 months.  Creating leadership positions are
> just telling me that someone needs power to make decisions and put
> people in their place, as there seem to be some dissensions amongst
> members.  Let's keep our focus on the core of the project- to get state
> locos approves, not create leaders and councils and bureaucracy.
> --
>                        _
> Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
>                       / \
> --
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