[ubuntu-us] IRC Channel Naming changes

Brandon Perry bperry.volatile at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 17:23:22 GMT 2007

I have set up #ubuntu-us-tx, but I cannot forward #ubuntu-texas since I
don't have ops (I think you are the only one).

On Thu, 2007-11-22 at 22:06 -0500, Steve Stalcup wrote:
> Hello all!
> The Ubuntu IRC council has asked that each State change the primary
> channel for your teams.
> The official policy is to have the channel be #ubuntu-us-SS  (SS = State Name)
> ex: #ubuntu-us-az
> After this is completed, set a forward to your new channel.  If you
> need help doing this, please ask for someone in #ubuntu-us or
> #ubuntu-irc to assist you in your teams channel switch.
> Happy Thanksgiving :)
> ~Steve

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