[ubuntu-us] Good Bye... revised

Chuck Frain chuckfrain at pobox.com
Thu Nov 15 18:09:40 GMT 2007

According to the LocoGettingApproved page under 'The Process' section of the
Wiki, I have to submit the request to Jono so he can take a look at what's
there, approve it and then schedule it for the next Council meeting.

As for now, we are using the wiki for our site.

On Nov 15, 2007 12:16 PM, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at ubuntu.com>

> Chuck - what do you need in regards to Maryland's site in order to
> move forward?  Currently, until being approved by the CC, canonical
> doesn't provide hosting and we suggest that you make use of the wiki
> page until that point.
> Once you are approved talk to myself or Nick Ali (boredandblogging)
> for getting the site setup.
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