[ubuntu-us] Good Bye

John Crawford johnc4510 at cox.net
Mon Nov 12 02:21:14 GMT 2007

Steve Stalcup wrote:
> Hey Everone :)
> I am leaving the US Teams project.
> I have mixed emotions about parting, but I think it's best for the
> intentions of those who lead the effort.  I would still like to see a
> LoCo team in every state by the end of the year (and there is still
> time left)
> In late summer, there was a bit of a tift about Tax exempt status and
> NFP status for LoCo teams.  I don't feel like the leadership of the US
> Teams project handled that situation very well.  If there is anyone I
> offended, I apologize.
> Rather than violate the CoC, I am choosing to move on from the project.
> I will still be available to help anyone who has a question, or just
> want's to cut up and have some fun on freenode.  I also just set up a
> channel of #ubuntu-usa for Ubuntu enthusiasts who live in the US who
> just want to socialize.
> There are some great people available to assist those teams needing
> guidance.  Look to mentors like Aaron Toponce (atoponce), Richard
> Johnson (nixternal), Eric Lake (etank), Elizabeth Bevilacqua (pleia2),
> John Crawford (johnc4510), and Nick Ali (boredandblogging).  These
> individuals truly represent the spirit of Ubuntu and I feel lucky
> having come to know each of them.
> Thanks and Good Luck!
> Steve
As the person who helped to put me and the AZ team on the right tract, 
the guy that was always there for me when I had a question, dumb or not, 
I wish you luck. I know that your reasons have justification, and I have 
no doubt that we will always have the close working relationship and 
friendship  that we have always had. I've said it before and I'll say it 
again, You've always been there for me when I needed it!! So you will 
always have my respect and gratitude.


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