US LoCo Teams My departure from US Teams

Aaron Toponce atoponce at
Thu Aug 2 14:51:34 BST 2007

I may have acted a bit rashly here.  Thanks to etank and my wife for
taking the time to talk to me about it.  I'm thinking it over further,
and leaning towards maybe just cutting back to a few hours a week
(rather than per day), still keeping my priorities in line.  I'll keep
you all posted.

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Aaron Toponce wrote:
> There has come a point in my life where I will no longer be able to
> participate in Ubuntu projects, including US Teams.  Regrettably, this
> comes at the pinnacle of success for the US Teams Project.
> My hobbies, mainly including Ubuntu and Open Source projects, have
> gotten in the way of my job, school and my marriage.
> When I was hired with introPLAY (a startup company), I was told that
> this would be no ordinary job, and that I would be needing to devote
> most of my free time to developing for the company.  I have failed that
> agreement, due to my hobbies getting in the way.
> I have also been putting of schooling, semester by semester, in pursuit
> of spending my time for Open Source projects.  Unfortunately, graduation
> seems to be getting farther and farther away, and I'm just getting older
> and older.  The sooner I can get my degree, the better.
> Finally, my wife calls the computer the "2nd wife", and that I spend
> more time with the 2nd wife than I do with her.  While she has been very
> patient while I try to devote my efforts and strengths to FOSS, I feel
> that my actions have been hurting her emotionally and potentially
> damaging our relationship.  I need to be spending more time with her,
> when I'm not developing or doing my studies.
> I am so terribly sorry that I need to leave.  It wrenches at my heart
> like you would not believe.  I feel I am giving up something that I love
> dearly.  Ubuntu and FOSS have been crucial in my life, and the decisions
> that I have made.  Don't get me wrong- I'm not leaving Ubuntu.  I still
> plan on being active in the Utah LoCo team.  I just need to be a
> consumer at this point, rather than an advocate and promoter, until I
> can get introPLAY to become successful and until I can graduate.
> I will still be on IRC 24/7 in the #ubuntu-utah channel.  Feel free
> anytime to pm me or get in touch.  I will get necessary permissions of
> the Launchpad page, and the #ubuntu-us IRC channel moved over soon.
> I will miss you all!  What a great success story this is for Ubuntu!  We
> have set the standards bar high for every last LoCo team on the planet!
>  You should all be very proud!  Every one of you has made such an impact
> on this project and in my life.    For that, I thank you.
> Again, feel free to email me, IM me, or send me a private message on
> IRC.  I'll try to help where I can as time permits.
> Thank you!

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