[Ubuntu-us-wisconsin] Which mailing list should we use?

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
Sun May 1 18:15:07 UTC 2016

Good afternoon Mike,

I established the Launchpad ML after I took contact position because I didn't have administrative access to the Ubuntu Lists one and I didn't think to ask Canonical IS. On Monday, I'll ask on IRC if I can be granted administrative permission because the password is lost.

I would like to go back to the Ubuntu Lists ML because I got a lot more feedback right away, and I recommend that everyone does the same. The Ubuntu Lists mailing list is a lot more active and has a lot more people subscribed.

Does this make sense?

Let me know if you have any more questions. :)

Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at ubuntu.com
tsimonq2 on Freenode

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