10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Is Killing It In The Cloud

Mike Putnam mike at theputnams.net
Thu Jan 14 02:55:03 UTC 2016

10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Is Killing It In The Cloud

Microsoft might have set an ambitious goal of pushing Windows 10 to 1
billion devices
But one OS that is doing wonders in the cloud, desktop, mobile, and IoT
segment is Ubuntu. This Debian-based open source OS has been on a roll ever
since IaaS has become mainstream to run server workloads in the cloud. From
AWS to OpenStack, Ubuntu is most preferred OS by system administrators and
DevOps professionals.

Here are a few interesting facts about Ubuntu and its enormous growth.

   1. *Docker users love Ubuntu – *As of January 2016, over 37.5 million
   users launched an Ubuntu container, which include multiple versions ranging
   from the most popular 14.04 trusty to the recent 16.04 xenial build. Ubuntu
   is the base image for a number of Docker images.
   2. *Ubuntu is the most preferred Vagrant Box – *Vagrant
   <https://www.vagrantup.com/>, the popular, open source DevOps tool makes
   it a breeze to configure dev and test environments. In December 2015,
   Ubuntu crossed 10 million
   mark on Vagrant.
   3. *In 2015, over 2 million Ubuntu instances were launched in the cloud
   – *Based on their statistics, Canonical claims that 67,000 new Ubuntu
   cloud instances are launched every day! That’s by far the largest number
   that any OS vendor can dream! Ubuntu dominates the LAMP deployments in the
   4. *51% of OpenStack deployments are powered by Ubuntu – *The OpenStack
   Foundation conducts an annual survey
   <https://www.openstack.org/surveys/landing> to get a snapshot of the
   adoption of OpenStack. The last survey that was done just before the
   OpenStack Tokyo Summit showed that Ubuntu dominates the scene with 51% of
   OpenStack deployments. 33% of those run in production. CentOS is the
   distant second with 28% of deployments.
   5. *Wikipedia and Wikimedia are powered by Ubuntu – *The world’s most
   credible and trusted source of information is delivered by Ubuntu. With
   over 18 billion
   <https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesPageViewsMonthly.htm> page views a
   month, Wikipedia is undoubtedly the largest content-driven web property.
   Both Wikipedia and Wikimedia run on LAMP
   <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_servers> stack based on
   Ubuntu and Debian OS.
   6. *Walmart’s cloud runs on Ubuntu – *Walmart, the retail giant, is a
   poster child of OpenStack in the enterprise. Its private cloud powered
   by OpenStack
   on a 150,000 core compute layer. Ubuntu is the chosen OS
   <http://www.zdnet.com/article/walmart-relies-on-openstack/> for running
   the entire eCommerce stack and the underlying OpenStack cloud.
   7. *PaaS is powered by Ubuntu – *Every developer pushing their app to
   Cloud Foundry, or Heroku uses Ubuntu. Cloud Foundry’s official stemcell
   <https://bosh.cloudfoundry.org/docs/stemcell.html> for major cloud
   environments is based on Ubuntu. It is responsible for bootstrapping the
   PaaS deployment by creating a homogeneous layer for Cloud Foundry. The
   internal LXC containers that isolate the code run on Ubuntu. Heroku,
   Salesforce.com’s polyglot PaaS environment also runs Ubuntu.
   8. *The most advanced supercomputer runs Ubuntu – *Tianhe-2, the
   supercomputing project backed by the Chinese government is considered to
   the most powerful supercomputer. It consumes 17,808 kW of energy equivalent
   to the power needs of a small city. Ubuntu Kylin powers
   9. *Snappy Ubuntu can run on mobile to cloud –* Snappy Ubuntu Core is
   the miniature version of Ubuntu that is designed to run on anything from a
   phone to the massively scalable cloud. Based on Canonical’s own container
   technology called LXD, Snappy Ubuntu Core is all set to be the foundation
   for microcontroller-driven IoT applications to web-scale microservices. It
   GE smart refrigerator called Chillhub.
   10. *Ubuntu runs some of the largest cloud deployments – *What’s common
   among Netflix, Uber, Lyft, Dropbox, Paypal, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit,
   and Instagram? They are not only the examples of successful web-scale
   deployments but also case studies for Canonical. They all run Ubuntu.

This article is heavily inspired by Dustin Kirkland’s fun response
a skeptic who questioned the reach of Ubuntu.

*Janakiram MSV is an analyst, advisor, and architect. Follow him onTwitter
<http://www.twitter.com/janakiramm>,  Facebook
<http://www.facebook.com/janakiramm> and LinkedIn

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 8:51 PM, Alex Dueppen <fourdoops at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have Privacy Badger and uBlock and because of that Forbes has pretty
> much guaranteed that I'm never visiting their website ever again because of
> the "Welcome" thing.
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 8:47 PM, Simon Quigley <sqawesome99 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> We have a new mailing list through Launchpad, so in the future please use
>> that.
>> Overall, interesting article! We could really use this at our subreddit,
>> /r/ubuntuwisconsinloco.
>> --
>> *Have a nice day,*
>> *Simon Quigley*
>> *tsimonq2*
>> *Contact for the Ubuntu US Wisconsin LoCo Team*
>> *Lubuntu Quality Assurance Tester*
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