[ubuntu-us-wi] General Hello - Meeting Date Next Week

Anthony Hook anthony.hook3 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 18:08:15 UTC 2012

Hello, Wisconsin.

There hasn't been much going on this summer, people seem to be quite busy
with their things, which is excellent, as the weather has been great for
doing stuff outside.

I ended up sponsoring myself to go to LinuxCon in San Diego this past week,
which was a blast.  More about stuff on that here at the Linux Foundation
website: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon  Also, I'm going
to finish my writeups on it and post them at http://anthonyrhook.com

So...Wisconsin, let's have a meeting next week.  Thursday the 13th, 8:00pm
in our IRC chat room #ubuntu-us-wi.

A general agenda as follows:
*Who are you?
*Why Ubuntu, at least one reason?
*What do you want to LoCo to do for you?

Let's give that a shot and see if we can use it as a catalyst for some
future activities.

Thanks, and hope all is well.

- Anthony Hook
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