[ubuntu-us-wi] Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Interest Form

anthony.hook3 at gmail.com anthony.hook3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 14:01:42 UTC 2011

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out  

Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Interest Form

Let's try and get a good snapshot of what people are looking for in the  
Wisconsin Local Community. Please answer these as honestly as you can, and  
it will help shape future activity with our LoCo. If you'd like something  
omitted from being viewed from the public, please let me know on the bottom  
question and I can remove it before it's published.

What is your name? Don't worry, you don't have to fill it out if you don't  
want to. Also, feel free to include your IRC nickname, etc.

What's your email address? How can I send you an electronic mail?

What region of the state are you from? This is helpful in planning  
geographically-dependent activities (release parties and stuff).

Have you attended an Ubuntu Wisconsin meeting before? * Don't worry, your  
answer isn't going to get your in trouble.


If you haven't, what has prevented you, or why haven't you? Perhaps you  
didn't know about it, were busy, weren't sure how?

What kinds of activities are you interested in? * What trips-your-trigger?

Physical meetups (release parties, install fests, meet-and-greets,  
structured meetings, demonstrations, how-to's)
Bug Squad
Ubuntu Brainstorm

What are you looking to get out of your Local Community? * Are you looking  
for help, meeting new people, an avenue to contribute, etc?

What can the Local Community do? * What kinds of things do you want to see  
the Local Community accomplishing?

What brought you to the LoCo? * Why did you decide to join this fine  

Questions, comments, concerns? Anything else you'd like to share?

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