WI events for Ubuntu Global Jam, 2-4 Sep

Ian Weisser ian at korinthianviolins.com
Thu Jul 21 14:48:09 UTC 2011

The next Ubuntu Global Jam ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam )
is six weeks away, so planning-time is upon us.

It's Friday-Sunday, September 2-4.

MKE - I'll pick a spot for an Ubuntu Hour. If anyone has input on
preferred time/location/agenda, ping me on IRC. Agenda input is also
welcome - I'm thinking of this as a social event, face-time more than

IRC - If somebody else wants to organize an IRC jam on Sunday afternoon
for packaging or testing or bugs or training or even just a LoCo
meeting, I'll show up.


-Ian (Cheesehead)

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