Doc Jam

Anthony Hook anthony.hook3 at
Mon Nov 30 23:51:02 GMT 2009

I did hear speak of a Doc Jam around the area down there, it was
mentioned in the IRC channel #ubuntu-us-wi, there was lack of
location.  Perhaps we could consider an online Doc Jam as well to
include other members from the state.

On 11/30/09, Nathan M. Murray <nathan at> wrote:
> Would be interested in attending something like this.  I am new and read the
> wikis about these topics but still get confused about the process.  So guide
> would be very good.  I am also a member of Ubuntu Chicago and I know that
> they are trying to set something up around Dec 12 -13 last time I checked
> the mailing list.  Living around Madison having a local doc jam would be
> much more convenient but I am willing to travel to help the cause and
> advance my skills to better help out the Ubuntu Community.
> Nathan aka Yotux

Sent from my mobile device

- Anthony Hook

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