Domain Results

Anthony Hook anthony.hook3 at
Sun Dec 20 17:57:08 GMT 2009

I do agree with your reasoning, also note that the Minnesota LoCo is  Also, I do like their ubuntu-esque theme on
Drupal which is easy to obtain.  Any other thoughts on this from
anyone else?

- Anthony Hook

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Douglas A. Whitfield
<douglasawh at> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Gabriel Wollenburg
> <gwollenburg at> wrote:
>> The time for debate is before the vote, not after.
> There really wasn't any, which I suppose is why I felt it necessary to
> say something (especially since the vote was close).  *In the end, I
> don't really care.*  I'm not trying to make a fuss.  I suppose I'm
> mostly curious as to what we think the site is used for.  Is it to be
> a public face or is it to be for-us-by-us?
> Off-topic:
> I'm not sure I agree with you about post-election campaigning being
> uniquely American.
> Africa:
> Europe:
> Middle East:
> slightly different...
> Central America:
> Asia:
> I will say though that I am, for the most part, mono-lingual and I see
> no need for not using z's, calling z's "zed", or adduing "u" tou
> uevery wourd imaguinable. :)  I do use theatre and cheque though,
> presumably because of the influence of my grandparents who lived in
> England.
> --
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