UBUNTU: LFNW table confirmed

ændrük aendruk at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 18:59:36 UTC 2011

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On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 08:28, ændrük <aendruk at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm considering having one of these printed either 36" or 42" wide for the table:
> What do you think?
> Andrew
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 14:45, ændrük <aendruk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Washington,
>> LinuxFest Northwest is six days away. I'd like to take a poll of planned attendance and make sure we have everything we'll need for the table.
>> This should be the bare minimum we bring:
>> a demo machine showing off the new Unity interface
>> flyers with information on our website, mailing list, and IRC channel
>> a tablecloth, power strip, and extension cord
>> It would also be nice if we could have:
>> Ubuntu 11.04 installation CDs for handing out
>> a USB drive with the Ubuntu Netbook Edition installer ready to use
>> a demo netbook, also running Unity
>> a banner to hang off the front of the table
>> stickers, or pens, or some kind of free stuff
>> I have the brown tablecloth, ~20 Ubuntu 9.10 CDs, and ~100 flyers left over from last year. I can bring a power strip and extension cord, and if I need to I can provide the demo machine.
>> With the Ubuntu 11.04 release this Thursday, attendees will expect us to be handing out free CDs. Would someone be willing to donate CD-Rs to the cause?
>> Other thoughts:
>> Unity is the most visible change in Ubuntu 11.04. It is a drastic transition, and I expect it will be the topic of most of the questions we receive. It is still very buggy, and, frankly, I don't like it. With that said, however, I think it is important that we at least superficially embrace the change. Both the immediate influences and long-term goals of the Ayatana project make it clear that Ubuntu is progressing in a direction very different than other desktop Linux distributions, and this difference is what defines Ubuntu.
>> What I don't want to see is the people behind the official-looking Ubuntu table carrying the (albeit popular) attitude that Ubuntu is somehow getting worse, or straying from its traditional role among Linux distributions. This kind of attitude is only the result of misinformed expectations about what Ubuntu is supposed to be. I suggest the following as "required reading" for anyone representing Ubuntu in public right now:
>> About the Unity interface: An overview of the main features of Unity.
>> Current bugs in Unity: There are disturbingly many. This is a good reference for distinguishing between "bugs" and "features".
>> Ayatana user experience project: More information on the long-term plans for the Ubuntu interface.
>> Canonical Design blog: Contains justification for many of the new and upcoming changes in Ubuntu.
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
>> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 13:56, Linda Halligan <linda.halligan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Got the word this afternoon that we officially have a table at LFNW 2011.
>>> Yay!
>>> -Linda
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