UBUNTU: Permission to use the Seal

Andrew Kvalheim andrew.kvalheim at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 00:50:41 GMT 2010

Hello all,

Since nothing much has cropped up to replace our old logo, I figure I should
make the case for the obvious, generic Ubuntu brandmark-based logo.

Please read this:

This is the image I am proposing:
[image: ubuntu-us-wa_horiz.png]

This is an alternative format that could be used when space-limited:
[image: ubuntu-us-wa_stacked.png]
Feedback is welcome. Hopefully this will spark some discussion.


On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 12:59, C.J. Adams-Collier KF7BMP <
cjac at colliertech.org> wrote:

>  Thanks Steve,
> We are changing the logo now!
> Cheers,
> C.J.
> On Mon, 2010-08-16 at 12:16 -0700, Excell, Steve wrote:
> Hello CJ,
> We cannot grant permission for a private entity to use the State Seal in
> any way.
> We sell State Seal merchandise in the State Capitol and license companies
> to manufacture the items we sell.  That is what the licensing forms are for.
> The  pertinent statutory and rules are pasted below.
> Steve
> *RCW 43.04.050 Use of state seal -Prohibitions -Imitations.*
> (1) Except as otherwise provided in RCW 43.04.040, the state seal shall not
> be used on or in connection with any advertising or promotion for any
> product, business, organization, service, or article whether offered for
> sale for profit or offered without charge.
> *RCW 43.04.060 Endorsements prohibited.* No use of the state seal may
> operate or be construed to operate in any way as an endorsement of any
> business, organization, product, service, or article. [1988 Chapter 120
> Section 6.]
> *WAC 434-04-020 General permitted uses are limitred to “…*state agencies
> and state elected officials in connection with official state business.”
>  *From:* C.J. Adams-Collier KF7BMP [mailto:cjac at colliertech.org]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 13, 2010 3:02 PM
> *To:* Excell, Steve
> *Cc:* ubuntu-us-wa
> *Subject:* Permission to use the Seal
> Hello Steve,
> After our email exchange regarding use of the seal on forms for Notarial
> Acts the other day, and after reviewing the rules about the use of the seal,
> I've been thinking more about how the Ubuntu Washington State Local
> Community team uses the seal.  It is displayed on our web page, and it would
> be nice if we could officially receive permission to use it.
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-washington
> According to *43.04.040 RCW*, it seems that we should have filed an
> application and a fee in order to use the seal.  Could you provide a form
> for us to file?  You may feel free to email a .pdf to me at
> cjac at colliertech.org or send a printed form via USPS to:
> Washington State Ubuntu Local Community
> c/o Collier Technologies LLC
> 85 Raccoon Point Road
> Eastsound, WA 98245
> Thanks for your time,
> C.J.
>   --
> 0xBA27A83C<http://keyserver.colliertech.org:11371/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x8E562765BA27A83C>
> cjac at colliertech.org
> +1 206 226 5809
> Member, Collier Technologies LLC<http://www.colliertech.org/index.php/Main_Page>
> KF7BMP<http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=3091240>
> --
> ubuntu-us-wa mailing list
> ubuntu-us-wa at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-wa
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