UBUNTU: VPN: Seeking advice

ashex at chipnick.com ashex at chipnick.com
Sat Sep 5 02:36:02 BST 2009

Hi Richard,

Sorry about the late response, it's a busy week for me! Have you tried the setting up your vpn using the network manager? If you click on the network status icon there should be a connect option under which you can setup connection profiles. 
Under there I believe you can setup your vpn. I haven't used gnome or Ubuntu in about a year so my knowledge of the layout is a bit rusty. 

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: "C.J. Adams-Collier" <cjac at colliertech.org>

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 18:28:58 
To: Richard Gilbert<gilbert67 at gmail.com>
Cc: <ubuntu-us-wa at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: UBUNTU: VPN: Seeking advice

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