UBUNTU: [SPAM] Re: ubuntu folks

Chuck West chuck at olylug.org
Wed Dec 16 20:13:55 GMT 2009

> That's what happens with a group that has no leadership or focus.

Ouch. It's very hard for one person to make heads or tails of this LoCo
stuff. I appreciate any help I can get. I hear a lot of criticism but
very little of the constructive kind. I got the ball rolling but I was
hoping at some point I could get some assistance. Frankly I am confused
by the process. 

> I have also taken the initiative to setup an IRC meeting...

I set this up long ago:

#ubuntu-us-wa on irc.freenode.net:6667

> Essentially, I am being vocal and coordinating because no one else is. I
> would heartily welcome input from anyone else, and encourage other
> people to take responsibility for things they would like to see happen.

I ran into that myself.

> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashintonTeam
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/Meetings/CurrentAgenda
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam/Projects

I had setup https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam to get started.

> > Also, I am having trouble understanding these emails. why cant we blog 
> > instead. 

That's what we do at http://olylug.org/ and you might like that for now.

> > maybe im looking 
> > too much into it.

No, it's a frontier out here. A little like the Wild West.

> If we can get Chuck to request the official Washington State subforum it
> may be easier for some discussions to occur there.

That's probably the next step? Now I have to determine where in the process we are at. I got lost again. I just found this comment, please send mail to chuck at olylug.org or call 360-292-7777 soon!

> And I will be there with an overwhelming amount of
> enthusiasm if my schedule allows it. :-)

Good, we sure can use it. I think if we relax and stay focused we can do
this well. At one point I had a roadmap and I got confused and had no
help. I guess the next step is to see where we are on the roadmap and
find the next step. 

Be very careful what you change on our wiki page please. The LoCo was
started In Olympia do to the large percentage of Ubuntu users and it's
relationship to Portland's free software community. Yes Seattle is
important too as is all of the state. It would be a shame to rebrand it
as a Seattle-centric group and loose it's rich history. Frankly, since
the LoCo process has been cumbersome and slow to grow many people
prefered http://olylug.org/ for threaded discussions. I would love to
see the LoCo become as useful. There are two ways to approach the LoCo.
You can come to help or you can come to be constructive. The later is
very uncommon.

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