UBUNTU: Fwd: There must be a leader

Ahmed Osman ashex at chipnick.com
Fri Dec 11 15:50:50 GMT 2009

Hello everyone :)

I'm on my phone at the airport so my response won't be as complete as I would like. 

Our team has limped along for the past year or so and has changed ownership twice now (from Dan to Chuck I believe although Paul may be in there somewhere). We used to have monthly meetings but we didn't have a dedicated leader/moderator so progress has been slow. There have been several projects discussed in the past (tabling in the public, putting discs out in libraries) but none have taken off yet. 
Paul and I are both members of gslug although I haven't attended in a long time due to work conflicts :( but they are always interested in any ideas we may come up with. 

I'm excited after having read the discussion and it's inspiring to see how passionate you are about linux and your desire to inform people that they do have a choice in OS. Paul and I have tabled at Linuxfest each year (although I didn't attend last year) since the teams creation.
We had many interested users speak to us of varying skills (I spoke to a 10 year linux veteran about what makes Ubuntu special then to a 3 month user trying to get their modem working!) who all wanted to know more about linux. The problem we always ran into was that we just never had enough discs to give out (always ended up handing out lts discs after the first day).

Getting the regular person on the street interested in linux will be a challenging task but I believe that we can do it, just need to get our foot in the door and get their attention!

IRC is very convenient and useful for meetings, but for regular discussion I think we should use the mail list (I am not always connected so miss people who have questions) to encourage participation.

Now that I have said that, I'll introduce myself! I have been a linux user for about 4 years now and used Ubuntu for the first 3 years. I currently run Arch linux in my house on 3 of my computers (media center runs windows due to hdmi). I work and travel most of the time but if I hear of a project I will do my best to help!


Sent via Blackberry

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Halligan <linda.halligan at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 01:00:33 
To: <ubuntu-us-wa at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: UBUNTU: Fwd:  There must be a leader

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