UBUNTU: Fwd: There must be a leader

Linda Halligan linda.halligan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 09:00:33 GMT 2009

I replied direct when I meant to reply to list. Darn pebcak errors.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Linda Halligan <linda.halligan at gmail.com>
> Date: December 10, 2009 10:57:45 PM PST
> To: minty <almostalive2009 at gmail.com>
> Cc: Linda Halligan <linda.halligan at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: UBUNTU: There must be a leader
> On Dec 10, 2009, at 9:35 PM, minty wrote:
>> ****  I'm Vince! This is my vague concept of an idea  *******
>> I believe
>> there must be a leader
> Agreed. I've contacted Chuck, the last primary contact for the LoCo,  
> to see if he is still interested. If he isn't or doesn't respond in  
> a reasonable time frame we can go to the LoCo council to recover the  
> resources he is the current admin of.
>> stock should be taken of people who are willing or wanting to help
> Yep, I'd like to assume that those in the launchpad group can be  
> considered active and interested. Perhaps when this resource is  
> transferred to an active admin we can ensure membership needs to be  
> renewed every 180 days by the person explicitly agreeing to renew to  
> keep the list semi current/fresh (a setting that exists and can be  
> enabled in launchpad teams).
>> A task should be selected for undertaking
> Word! I nominate a shared table with a wasington LUG for LinuxFest  
> NorthWest, a la last year. :)
>> things that need to be done to facilitate said task should be  
>> organized
>> into a list and should be emailed or posted online
> A wiki page is probably best once we have decided on a collective  
> action to take.
>> those willing to help should be able to sign themselves up for a task
>> and the leader should ensure that all things that are needed to be  
>> taken
>> care of are taken care of
> Again wiki pages are awesome for this.
>> so we need a leader, a nice chat session, and some resolve! It  
>> would be
>> nice to shock some people when they see that people are actually out
>> handing out a free operating system, and offering support and what  
>> not.
>> i dont know .. ..
>> maybe I dont know what i'm talkin about, but it would nice to see at
>> least SOMETHING come together.
>> below is just a rant so dont read it if you dont want to listen to  
>> me rant
>> by the way I'm no linux expert, and I've not done anything so far  
>> that
>> would put me into the position being the person to send this email,  
>> but
>> I'd like to think that it I can help. Basically I get this funny  
>> feeling
>> that I'm totally out of line even trying to help. I dont know  
>> anyone, I
>> dont know what experience others might have, and I feel out of place.
>> Still I have organized more than one music festival and used to throw
>> lots of small concerts down here in Olympia, so maybe my event  
>> planning
>> side can help.  In my fantasy we have a nice little booth where  
>> people
>> come and say, "An operating system that's not windows sounds
>> interesting," and we cut off and say, "Oh it's awesome, let me show  
>> you
>> some of the features," and by the time were done they walk away  
>> cursing
>> Microsoft, and  dreaming of  a better world and a faster computer.   
>> When
>> and where  this fantasy could be lived out  I  just dont know. Most
>> people are attached to windows, like my 1 1/2 year old is to her
>> favorite blanket.  I dont know where you can go that people are  
>> really
>> gonna welcome someone whos telling them that their windows (blanky)  
>> is
>> not necessary and even harmful. Maybe colleges are the best hope. The
>> younger crowd might be more open to new ideas like linux, whereas  
>> older
>> folks are likely to remember less pretty days of linux and remember  
>> that
>> through a lot of those days windows was at their side with its  
>> bells and
>> whistles at hand.  Yes I believe the children are our future. I've
>> contemplated not sending this email. oh well
> That's the beauty of Ubuntu, you don't have to be an expert to  
> expose people to the existence of Ubuntu. Most people are able to do  
> most non-specialized tasks in Ubuntu with very little transitional  
> pain. (Note, previous statement is a conjecture from anecdotal  
> evidence.) And if you don't know something it's ok to say "Hey, I  
> don't know, but there is an awesome community to direct those types  
> of queries to, which is another awesome feature of Ubuntu."
>> Where does everyone live by the way? I'm in Olympia. Determining a
>> central location might help decide where a good place to start is for
>> events.
> I'm in Seattle-ish (work in the city, live in the 'burbs)
> -Linda

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