[ubuntu-us-ut] UTOS Conference

Mike Basinger mike.basinger at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 00:02:19 BST 2009

Sorry, about the slow response have a sick boy at home. I would be
glad to speak at the conference about the Ubuntu Utah Loco.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM, bmac2 at maildragon.com
<bmac2 at maildragon.com> wrote:
> Ok, can anyone get Mike Basinger to contact me and either do the 5
> minute speech about your LUG, or get someone else to do it?
> Christian Horne wrote:
>> Mike Basinger leads the group.
>> On 9/21/09, bmac2 at maildragon.com <bmac2 at maildragon.com> wrote:
>>> OK, I haven't attended the Ubuntu Users Group in a while, so I have no
>>> idea who is in charge of it anymore.
>>> I am the program manager for the UTOS Conference.  We have been sending
>>> out emails asking LUGs to support our conference, and specifically we
>>> have been begging LUGS to have their meeting at the conference to
>>> promote their lugs.  Very few have taken advantage of that.
>>> What I really need from whoever is in charge of this group anymore is a
>>> commitment to spend 5 minutes on the Thursday community day of the
>>> conference giving a short who we are and here is when we meet, what we
>>> do, etc.  Bring a handout to give out that says when and where you meet,
>>> etc.  This 5 minutes is yours free to promote the group.
>>> Please email me back with who is going to take this opportunity.  We
>>> spend a ton of effort supporting the local LUGs, and we need some
>>> support shown for our conference.
>>> Barry McCormick
>>> Program Manager
>>> UTOS
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Mike Basinger
mike.basinger at gmail.com

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