[ubuntu-us-ut] is there a meeting tonight? (the correct answer is yes...)

Trevor Sharpe tsharpe at xmission.com
Sat Sep 5 22:44:37 BST 2009

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OMG Top posting!!!

15:31 < blendmaster1024> what's the word on a meeting tonight?

15:34 < Heartsbane> meeting wouldn't be tonight, meetings are on the
second Saturday of every month
15:34 < blendmaster1024> huh?
15:34 < blendmaster1024> since when?
15:35 < blendmaster1024> last month it was on the first Saturday
15:35 < blendmaster1024> and the month before that
15:35 < blendmaster1024> and before that...
15:36 < blendmaster1024> that's all I've been to, but it was always the
first Saturday, *if i remember correctly*
15:36 < Heartsbane> Please consult http://utah.ubuntu-us.org/
15:37 < blendmaster1024> ohh
15:38 < blendmaster1024> :P
15:38  * Heartsbane goes back to listening to Megadeth.

No need to jump the gun Christian.

Christian Horne wrote:
> is there a meeting tonight? there has been some talk about an
> installfest, are we going to do that? or are we just going to get on
> irc? I'd like to have an actual meeting. if not an installfest, I
> could do an instant "presentation" and show "Revolution OS", a
> documentary on linux, since i just downloaded a movie file of it... it
> would be more to talk about and laugh at than to really watch... or
> not, if that sounds as stupid and desperate as it is.

- --
Trevor Sharpe
E-Mail:		tsharpe at xmission.com
Jabber:		tsharpe at gmail.com
- ----------
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist
the black flag, and begin slitting throats.       ---H. L. Mencken
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