[ubuntu-us-ut] Utah Open Source Monthly News/Events
Clint Savage
herlo1 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 00:32:11 BST 2009
UTOS News:July 2009
Newsletter to the community (on our blog and in the utos-attendees mailing list)
The Utah Open Source Foundation, in its goal to promote Open Source
throughout Utah and beyond, is proud to promote the following events.
These events are generally related to Open Source and Technology in
Utah. If your event is not listed below, please contact
clint at utos.org to get it added.
Utah Technology Community Announcements
- Utah Open Source is looking for more volunteers to join our 'Core
Team'. Position definitions and contacts are available at
- UTOSC 2009 'Call for Papers' is now open. Submit your abstract -
- UTOS-ConMan HackNights are still hapening every Tuesday night in
June, watch http://utos.org for announcements.
- PodCampSLC 2010 Kick-off Meeting will be held July 13 @ 7pm. If you
are interested in helping contact podcampslc at gmail.com
If you have announcements or events for August 2009 or beyond
happening around open source in the Intermountain West which you would
like included, please contact clint at utos.org.
Upcoming Activities for July 2009
Wed, July 8, 11:30pm – 1:00pm
SLLUG: Daytime SIG Meeting
Topic: Cobbler
Where: BetaLoft SLC - 357 West 200 S, Suite 201, Salt Lake City
Contact: Clint Savage, herlo1 at gmail.com
Wed, July 8, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Provo Linux Users Group
Topic: KVM & QEMU
Link: http://plug.org
Where: Omniture
Contact: Ryan Simpkins, simpkins.ryan @gmail.com
Thu, July 9, 6pm – 9pm
Utah Mobile Developers Group
Where: STG Dev Center, 555 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah
Contact: Glen Lewis, glen @ glenlewis.com
Thu, July 9, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Utah Python User Group Meeting
Link: http://utahpython.org
Topic: GUI Toolkit Extravaganza cont'd
Where: University of Utah, Emma Eccles Jones Medical Research
Building, Room 1200
Contact: Dave, tonedevf AT gmail.com
Sat, July 11th, 12 - 5pm
Utah CodeAway
Link: http://codeaway.org/
Where: TBD
Contact: Laura Moncur, laura @ moncur.biz
Sat, July 11, 6pm – 8pm
Ubuntu-Utah Meeting
Link: http://utah.ubuntu-us.org
Where: University of Utah - Merrill Engineering Building (MEB)
Comp-Sci Labs Rm 2555
Contact: Aaron Toponce, aarontoponce@ gmail.com
Wed, July 15, 7:10pm – 8:40pm
Salt Lake Linux User Group (SLLUG)
Link: http://sllug.org
Where: University of Utah, Warnock Engineering Building (WEB) room 101
or 103 (Previously known as EMCB)
Contact: Marc Christensen marc aT mecworks.com
Thu, July 16, 6pm – 9pm
Utah Java User's Group (ujug.org)
Link: http://ujug.org
Where: Intermountain Medical Center, Doty Family Education Center, Murray, Utah
Contact: Chris Maki, chrismaki AT me.com
Thu, July 16, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Utah PHP User Group (UPHPU)
Link: http://uphpu.org
Where: Bill Good Marketing, Draper, Utah
Contact: Victor Villa, vvilla @ gmail.com
Thu, July 23, 6pm – 8pm
Logan Dev Group
Where: Room 208 (Faculty Seminar Lounge), Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah
State University, Logan, UT
Contact: Matthew Reinbold, matthew.reinbold At voxpopdesign.com
Tue, July 28, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
SLC Ruby (slc.rb)
Link: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/urug
Where: Neumont University Room #300
Contact: Jake Mallory, tinomen @gmail.com
Tue, July 28, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Ogden Area Linux User Group
Link: http://oalug.com
Where: Weber County Main Library, Board Room
Contact: Seth House, whiteinge@ gmail.com
Fri, July 31, 12:30pm – 2pm
Link: http://utos.org/geek-lunch
Contact: Victor Villa, vvilla AT gmail.com
Each of the events are from the Utah Tech Events calendar. Feel free
to subscribe by clicking the link below (or adding the following feed
to your calendaring program)
Utah Tech Events Calendar - Google Calendar: http://sn.im/ute-calendar
Utah Tech Events Calendar - iCal Feed: http://sn.im/ute-calendar-ics
Utah Open Source Foundation also regularly records Local User Group
(LUG) meetings throughout the state. Feel free to check out our
podcasts and live streaming schedules.
Utah Open Source Podcasts - http://podcast.utos.org
More information about the ubuntu-us-ut
mailing list