[ubuntu-us-ut] Jaunty CDs Requested

Aaron Toponce atoponce at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 14 16:21:44 BST 2009

I just requested the stamped Jaunty CDs. We will receive the following

250 Ubuntu PC
75 Kubuntu PC
75 Ubuntu server

I don't know the architecture breakdown, but if it's like last time, the
 PC CDs will be 32-bit, and the server will be a mix of 32 and 64-bit.
Also, the CDs won't arrive until about 2 weeks after release, which
means we won't have them in time for the release party on the 25th. FYI.

Any questions, let me know.

 ,-O  Aaron Toponce
O   } Ubuntu Member
 `-O  http://www.ubuntu.com

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