[ubuntu-us-ut] Meeting Reminder

Omar Shami bigfox at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 03:11:09 BST 2008

The room number is actually 2555, not 2225

Will Smith wrote:
> Now, if we are doing an install fest are we just installing the beta 
> of 8.10?
> Will--
> 2008/10/9 Aaron Toponce <atoponce at ubuntu.com <mailto:atoponce at ubuntu.com>>
>     Russel Caldwell wrote:
>     >> What is the location these days?
>     MEB building at the University of Utah, room 2225 iirc. It's a
>     computer
>     lab on the 2nd floor, with enough space to bring in some hardware, as
>     well as computers setup for general use.
>     --
>      ,-O  Aaron Toponce
>     O   } Ubuntu Member
>      `-O  http://www.ubuntu.com
>     --
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