[ubuntu-us-ut] Free Lance work.

David Enns dkenns at gmail.com
Fri May 23 02:26:07 BST 2008

I own a small business in southwestern Wyoming and I am currently
looking for someone that would be interested in performing some
freelance work. I am looking for someone that can configure a Hylafax
Server, Apache Web Server, Samba, File server, and FTP server.
The work must be completed over an SSH connection using Ubuntu 8.04
LTS server as the OS.

This pays between $350-500 per configured box upon delivery of admin
credentials. I have work that could be started immediately.

If your interested please send me an email to dkenns at gmail.com or call
me on my cell phone at 801-913-9753


David Enns
irc: Hunding

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