[ubuntu-us-ut] SELinux Support in 8.04

BJ Cardon bj.cardon at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 17:57:16 GMT 2008

Can you sell us SELinux for those of us unfamiliar with it?


Christer Edwards wrote:
> I thought I'd throw this out to the list now that Mike's XFS/ext3 post
> has everyone awake ;)
> The ubuntu-hardened team that I work on has recently finished progress
> on implementing SELinux support in Ubuntu 8.04.  I'm really interested
> in getting people on board with this for finding bugs and improving
> security in ubuntu.
> If you're using 8.04 alpha/beta and are interested in using it just use:
>   sudo aptitude install selinux
> I have been using it in enforcing mode since alpha3 and I have only run
> into one issue (cupsys related)!
> Christer

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