[ubuntu-us-ut] Fwd: [Utos-announce] UTOSC 2008 Call For Papers - Get moving!

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 13:50:40 GMT 2008

Before there can be another Utah Open Source Conference in 2008, there
 needs to be a list of people
 who will present on various topics. This is how YOU can contribute to
 the conference: by being a

  The UTOSC2008 Call For Papers begins now at <http://2008.utosc.com/>!
 Papers can be submitted until
  July 1, after which time chosen presenters will be announced.

  Some people are natural public speakers and presenters while others
 are reluctant to imagine
  themselves in front of a group of people at a conference. Because
 this year's Utah Open Source
  Conference theme is "HOWTO", nobody should feel unqualified or
 inexperienced to present. We want
  presenters who can share information at all levels.

  And now, some tough questions.

  What should I talk about?

  You should talk about Open Source software, philosophy, technology,
 etc. The theme for this year's
  conference is "HOWTO" so your topic can be targeted at beginners,
 experts, or someone in between.

  It may help to see what topics were presented last year. Go to
  for information about 2007's conference sessions.

  This year, several sessions will be targetted at beginning or
 "newbie" users including those who are
  family members of an Open Source geek. Basic sessions on using
 OpenOffice.org, GIMP, or K3B are good
  examples of these types of sessions.

  We are asking for presentations in one of the following categories,
 so bear that in mind also:

     * Business
     * Technical
     * Community
     * Education

  What does a response to a call for papers look like?

  You should come up with a brief outline, or abstract, of your
 presentation and who would be
  interested. You should also provide some information about you, your
 experience with open source
  software and the specific aspects you're proposing to speak about.

  Here's an example of an abstract:

     Title: Open source home security

     This presentation will outline how I have used a
     Linux server, IP cameras, and open source software,
     to provide around-the-clock video and image
     surveilance of my home which is archived for later
     viewing and is available for viewing via the Web
     when I'm not at home.

     The presentation will describe how to set up a
     system similar to mine and what alternatives are
     available for software and hardware in the system.

  What's in it for me?

  There are lots of perks reserved for people chosen to present at the
 Utah Open Source Conference!

  Resumé material
     Having presented on a topic at a conference is a great thing to
 add to your resumé and could
  make the difference the next time you apply for a job.

  Free admission
     If you're chosen as a speaker, we'll let you — and your family —
 into the conference for FREE!

  A picture and a paragraph
     Speakers are asked to submit a digital photo and a paragraph of
 biographical information which
  will be seen by those viewing the UTOSC website and those reading the
 conference program.

  Warm fuzzies
     Being involved in the Utah Open Source Conference is a great
 experience. Just ask anyone who
  was involved in 2007's conference.

  What's that URL again?
     Go to <http://2008.utosc.com/> and get yourself an account. Then
 you can submit as many
  presentation ideas as you like.
  Utos-announce mailing list
  Utos-announce at utos.org

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