[ubuntu-us-ut] Utah Open Source on CouchCast.org

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 17:29:51 BST 2008

Hey everybody!

Guess what!  The Utah Open Source Foundation's very own Jason Hall
(Jayce^ [the face]) will be discussing the Utah Open Source Conference
with Robert Merrill et al, on CouchCast (http://couchcast.org).

CouchCast is a local show with topics around technology and business.
Its a call-in show, so be sure to get on the line in advance and ask
questions.  Feel free to dial in around noon, 347-324-3797 and ask
pretty much anything you like.

Discussions will include keynote announcements, presentations, family
day, the Utah Open Source Awards, the troubleshooting challenge (last
years big hit) and many other aspects of the conference at the end of

Jayce will also be discussing the Utah Open Source Foundation, its
purpose, goals and plans for 2009.  Things like live streaming of
Local User Group meetings, podcasts and other events to make it easier
to spread the word about open source in Utah.

Feel free to check it out, here's how:

When: July 7, 2008 12pm MDT
Where: http://couchcast.org –> hosted by blogtalkradio.

Podcasts will be available at Couchcast after the show as well as on
our site, http://podcast.utos.org

Enjoy the show!



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