[ubuntu-us-ut] UTOS Ubuntu Booth

Kevin Kubasik kevin at kubasik.net
Wed Aug 13 18:11:24 BST 2008

Hey, any response to this? If you still need people, Neumont has
several student volunteers currently without tasks who would be
willing to help! Just e-mail me and I'll help you get in touch with

2008/8/12 Aaron Toponce <atoponce at ubuntu.com>:
> We are looking for a couple of people to help man the Ubuntu booth at
> UTOS, as well as help set it up and tear it down.  This is worth free
> admission to the conference, if you're debating attending.  I need a
> couple of people to man it all 3 days.  If you can do it all 3, that
> would be great.  If only 1 day, then obviously, I'll need a few more.
> Basically, your role will be to hand out free CDs and answer any
> questions about Ubuntu that come up.
> Let me know.
> Thanks,
> --
>                       _
> Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
> www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
>                      / \
> --
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Kevin Kubasik

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