[ubuntu-us-ut] Release Party This Saturday

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 23:38:06 BST 2008

Final reminder for the multi-distro release party this Saturday.  We'll
be celebrating Fedora 9 (due out on May 13th) and Ubuntu 8.04- codenamed
'Hardy Heron', released on April 24th.

Details are as follows:

When:  May 3, 2008, 6-8pm
Where: Code Greene, 44 Exchange Place Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Map:   http://tinyurl.com/2ul27y

Parking would be best at any Trax park and ride within the UTA Free
Zone, then catch Trax to the Courthouse on 5th South or the Gallivan
Plaza on 3rd South, and walking over.

The Utah Open Source Foundation is providing food from Chipotle.  You're
more than welcome to bring spouses, kids, and such, but the food is on a
first-come-first-serve basis, so pickings may be slim if you arrive late.

Wireless will also be provided.

See you there!

Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
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