[ubuntu-us-ut] Utah Code Camp - This weekend

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 23 12:43:00 BST 2008

Hi all,

If you aren't doing anything this weekend, the following might be a good
opportunity to see some cool coding demonstrations.  Pat, the facilitator of
this conference is looking to get a bunch of open source people involved in
a track because he thinks its valuable.  Currently, he doesn't have much in
that direction.

Anyway, if you are interested, here is the info...

*Utah Spring Code Camp *

Date/Time:  Sat, 04/26/2008 - 9:00am

URL: http://www.utcodecamp.com

Location:  Neumont University 10701 S. River Front Pky Suite 300 South
Jordan, 84095 *Google

Registration is Now Open!  As Always registration is Free!

The Code Camp is a one day training put on by local volunteers in your
community.  We have presentations ranging on all sorts of topics for Dba's
to Developers.  We will have several tracks running throughout the day.  You
can check on the website for a current list of speakers and sessions.  The
Code Camp is open to all technologies and is a great place to get together
with others and network.

We will have lots of giveaways including software, game system, and Ipod.

We are still looking for a few more speaker spots if you are interested in

Should you have any questions please visit the website or email.   *
Pwright at medicity.com* <Pwright at medicity.com>
We hope to see you there



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