[ubuntu-us-ut] what does it take to hook government on open source?

Clay Moultrie clay.osi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 07:28:17 BST 2008

sorry about the html

Hey guys!

    So I've been thinking, what would it really take to get government, 
local or state to embrace open source? Obviously the benefits are huge 
for government to embrace open source (The US Navy 
<http://www.cnet.com/8301-13505_1-9893173-16.html> and EU 
<http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/0,1000000121,39285468,00.htm> are 
realizing this). Does anyone have any connections to the Utah Capitol to 
have a Senator or Representative sponsor a bill to adopt the technology? 
(if i understand correctly if a rep. or senator would sponsor then they 
could have research teams do research on the amount of money saved. 
research that is sure to prove our point). I know this is a huge goal, 
but its gotta start somewhere. If anyone has any thoughts on this let me 
know or reply back to me with your email and we can start a smaller 
group discussion on this. Thanks!

Clay Moultrie

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