[ubuntu-us-ut] Release Party Flyers

MilesTogoe miles.togoe at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 00:19:20 BST 2008

Mike Basinger wrote:
> I created a flyer for the Ubuntu 8.04/Fedora 9 release party.
> http://www.mikesplanet.net/files/ufrp.pdf
> http://www.mikesplanet.net/files/ufrp.svg
> Any comments?
> Mike
the flyer in pdf looks nice but the svg image doesn't render correctly 
in Firefox (2.0.12 in Gutsy).  Did you use Inkscape ?   I saved the pdf 
and then opened in Inkscape .46 which opens pdf and then saved in svg - 
the saved svg rendered fine in nautilus (cairo) and somewhat okay in 
Firefox but fonts were not quite right.   Wonder how it renders in FF3 
if you're running Hardy (I know some improvements went into svg fonts in 

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