[ubuntu-us-ut] Off Topic: Cell Phone, who do you use

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 17:22:20 BST 2007

On 9/21/07, Mike Basinger <mike.basinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> [Sorry for the off topic post, but thought the group would have good advice]
> I'm thinking about switch to a new cell carrier, from AT&T, and
> looking to see what other people use and if you like the or not. Also,
> I'm shopping for a new phone, and wanted to see if people had any
> suggestions there.
> Right now I'm consider Sprint with a Treo 755.


I love my Treo 755p - I have the burgundy one.  Sprint is *also* my
carrier and I'll stay with them as long as my data service is $15
(compared to anyone else with $40+ just for data)



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