[ubuntu-us-ut] [Hug Day - 12 Sep 2007]

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 11 13:52:54 BST 2007

Anyone that is able to help it is appreciated.

Thank You

----- Forwarded message from Brian Murray <brian at ubuntu.com> -----

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 20:22:00 -0700
From: Brian Murray <brian at ubuntu.com>
To: Ubuntu BugSquad <ubuntu-bugsquad at lists.ubuntu.com>,
	ubuntu-devel-announce at lists.ubuntu.com,
	ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com, kubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com,
	fridge-devel at lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-motu at lists.ubuntu.com,
	ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com, launchpad-users at lists.ubuntu.com,
	ubuntu-mozillateam at lists.ubuntu.com, kernel-team at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Hug Day - 12 Sep 2007

I'm happy to announce our next Hug Day on Wednesday, September 12th.  We
will be specifically taking a look at bugs reported when testing ISO
images and bug reports regarding kernel version 2.6.22 used by Gutsy
Gibbon.  The event will be held in #ubuntu-bugs.  The list of targeted
bugs will be posted at:


This list will be finalized shortly before the start of the 12th to
ensure that all the bugs on it still need attention.  Our goal is to
deal with all of the bugs on that list.

So on 12 September 2007, in all timezones, we'll be meeting in
#ubuntu-bugs on irc.freenode.net for another Ubuntu Hug Day.


While you are welcome to apply to join the Ubuntu Quality Assurance team
anytime, Hug Day is a great day to join!


If you're interested in helping, please stop by.  And feel free to ask
bdmurray, pedro, heno and the rest of the team for ways to help out.  We
hope to see you there and your name on the list of bug triagers!
Brian Murray                                                 @ubuntu.com

ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
ubuntu-devel-announce at lists.ubuntu.com

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