[ubuntu-us-ut] GPG Keysigning for October Meet

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 19:04:02 BST 2007

For those of you who were not able to attended the GPG keysigning party
at the Utah Open Source Conference, we'll be holding another quick
keysigning session before each meet.  It should only take about 5
minutes max.

So, for the October meeting, if you want your GPG key signed, send me
your public key, then print out your GPG key fingerprint.  You can do
this in the console easily:

gpg --export -a "User Name" > public.asc
gpg --fingerprint > fingerprint.txt

Email me public.asc, print off fingerprint.txt, and bring it to the
meeting as well as photo ID.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Aaron Toponce         ( )  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
www.aarontoponce.org   X   www.asciiribbon.org
                      / \

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