[ubuntu-us-ut] Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 16

Jared Bernard jared.bernard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 15:24:07 GMT 2007

If I could get:

 ***Absolute FreeBSD, Second Edition (No Starch)
 ISBN 10: 1593271514

 ***Excel 2007 Pocket Guide, Second Edition
 ISBN 10: 0596514522

I can get a review back to you in a week. Let me know.

On Nov 18, 2007 10:44 PM, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> latest from O'Reilly.  I'll get some new orders in for review-books as
> soon as anyone that has recieved a previous order can send me a link
> to a review.  I'd hate to keep asking and never actually have any
> reviews to give them back.
> Christer
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
> Date: Nov 16, 2007 11:41 AM
> Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, November 16
> To: christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
> Hi there,
> I'd like to share Tim O'Reilly's post about his recent trip to
> Beijing "China Foo Camp: On the Outside, Looking In."
> <http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/11/china_foo_camp.html>
> Tim writes about his experiences in China, the smog,
> and the differences between the tech cultures in Shanghai and Beijing.
> As we start to think about the end of the year, I should point out
> the incredible list of books we have coming out in December. It seems to
> be an O'Reilly tradition to get as many books out as possible by the
> holidays. Take a look at the list of upcoming titles and you'll see
> what I mean. <http://www.oreilly.com/store/upcoming.html>
> If any of these look like they might be just right for your group,
> don't heistate to send me a list. The earlier we start the better.
> As usual all Amazon, Slashdot, and oreilly.com reviews are appreciated.
> --Marsee
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
> November 16, 2007
> ================================================================
> ***Put Up a Banner, Get a Free Book
> We're looking for user groups to display our discount banners on their
> web sites. If you send me your group's site with one or more banners,
> I'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
> the following list:
> New***Emerging Technology Conference Banners
> <http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/etech/>
> New***Tools of Change Conference Banners
> http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/toc/
> 35% off User Group Discount Banner
> <http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/discount/>
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly News for User Group Members
> November 16, 2007
> ================================================================
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> New Releases--Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Get 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing,
> Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or YoungJin books you
> purchase directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering online
> or by phone 800-998-9938.
> <http://www.oreilly.com/store/>
> Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more.
> For more details, go to:
> <http://www.oreilly.com/news/freeshipping_0703.html>
> Did you know you can request a free book or PDF to review for your
> group? Ask your group leader for more information.
> For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
> <http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html>
> ***Absolute FreeBSD, Second Edition (No Starch)
> ISBN 10: 1593271514
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9781593271510/>
> ***Design Accessible Web Sites (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
> ISBN 10: 1934356026
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9781934356029/>
> ***Excel 2007 Pocket Guide, Second Edition
> ISBN 10: 0596514522
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514525/>
> ***Get Up and Running with Dojo
> ISBN 10: 059651705X
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596517052/>
> ***GIS for Web Developers (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
> ISBN 10: 0974514098
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/974514098/>
> ***Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, Second Edition (No Starch)
> ISBN 10: 1593271441
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1593271441/>
> ***Head First C#
> ISBN 10: 0596514824
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514822/>
> ***Knoppix Hacks, Second Edition
> ISBN 10: 059651493X
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514938/>
> ***Linux Networking Cookbook
> ISBN 10: 0596102488
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596102487/>
> ***Managing Your Photographic Workflow with Photoshop Lightroom (Rocky Nook)
> ISBN 10: 1933952202
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9781933952208/>
> ***The Nikon D80 Dbook (Rocky Nook)
> ISBN 10: 1933952156
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9781933952154/>
> ***Oracle Essentials, Fourth Edition
> ISBN 10: 0596514549
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596514549/>
> ***Photoshop CS3 Photo Effects Cookbook
> ISBN 10: 0596515049
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596515041/>
> ***The PHP Anthology, Second Edition (SitePoint)
> ISBN 10: 0975841998
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/0975841998/>
> ***QuickBooks 2008: The Missing Manual
> ISBN 10: 0596515146
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596515140/>
> ***Quicken 2008: The Missing Manual
> ISBN 10: 0596515154
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596515157/>
> ***Using Moodle, Second Edition
> ISBN 10: 059652918X
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596529185/>
> ***Windows PowerShell Cookbook
> ISBN 10: 0596528493
> <http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596528492/>
> ***MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
> The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
> subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plusfour
> more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
> great offer for UG Members: five volumes for the cost of four.
> Subscribe at:
> <http://www.makezine.com/go/ugsub>
> ***Craft Magazine Subscriptions
> The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
> subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus
> four more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
> great offer for UG Members: five volumes for the cost of four.
> Subscribe at:
> <http://www.craftzine.com/go/craftug>
> ================================================
> Upcoming Events
> ================================================
> For more events, please see:
> <http://events.oreilly.com/>
> ***Eddie Tapp at Chicago Area Camera Club, Chicago, IL--Nov 18
> Author Eddie Tapp (Photoshop Workflow Setups and Practical Color
> Management) is presenting a Photoshop Seminar.
> <http://www.chicameraclubs.org/>
> ***Eddie Tapp at the Software-Cinema Training Camps, San Francisco,
>    CA--Nov 18
> Author Eddie Tapp (Photoshop Workflow Setups and Practical Color
> Management) is a presenter.
> <http://www.software-cinema.com/>
> ***Michael Hüttermann at Java User Group Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe,
>    Germany--Nov 23, 2007
> Author Michael Hüttermann (Agile Java-Entwicklung in der Praxis) is
> presenting "Testing Java Rich UI Swing applications."
> <https://jug-ka.dev.java.net/>
> ***Dynamic Learning Series Authors & the AGI Creative Team Host
>    "Mastering the Adobe Creative Suite 3", Sydney, Australia--Nov 27
> Learn from the team of authors and instructors that created many of
> Adobe's official training titles and have now combined their talents to
> bring you the Dynamic Learning series of seminars, books, and training
> videos. Come discover the new features and understand hard-to-find tips
> and tricks that can save you hours of time.
> <http://www.agitraining.com/cs3/cs3seminar/index.html>
> ***Derrick Story Teaches a Workshop at the Santa Rosa Junior College,
>    Santa Rosa, CA--Dec 1
> Author Derrick Story (Digital Photography Pocket Guide and iPhoto 6: The
> Missing Manual) will be holding a workshop titled "I've Taken Great
> Photos, Now What?"at the Santa Rosa Junior College Community Education
> program."
> <https://busapp02.santarosa.edu/CommunityEducation/>
> ***James Shore Will Be Presenting at the Orlando Agile Development
>    Practices Conference, Orlando, FL--Dec 3-6
> Author James Shore (The Art of Agile Development) will be leading two
> different sessions at the Orlando Agile Development Practices
> Conference. His two sessions, entitled "Maximizing ROI with Agile
> Release Planning" and "That's Not Right! Using Fit to Prevent Business
> Rule Defects" are sure to be instructive and applicable for all in
> attendance.
> <http://www.sqe.com/agiledevpractices/>
> ***Adobe Presents Colin Moock's ActionScript 3.0 From the Ground Up
>    Tour, Chicago, IL--Dec 3
> Join author Colin Moock (Essential ActionScript 3.0) for a packed day of
> free ActionScript 3.0 training. Presented by Adobe, this training will
> leave attendees with new understanding, tips and tricks, pamphlets and
> information to take home, and a discount coupon to purchase Essential
> ActionScript 3.0. This free event is sure to fill up quickly, so
> register early!
> <http://www.adobeas3tour.com/>
> ***Eddie Tapp at the Institute of Visual Arts, Oahu, Hawaii--Dec 5
> Author Eddie Tapp (Photoshop Workflow Setups and Practical Color
> Management) is presenting Photoshop.
> <http://www.eddietapp.com/seminars.html>
> ***Author Steve Feuerstein Gives Seminar on Oracle and PL/SQL Best
>    Practices, Birmingham, UK--Dec 6
> Author Steve Feuerstein (Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference, 4th
> Ed. and Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices, 2nd Ed.) will present a two hour
> masterclass entitled "Best Practice PL/SQL" at the UKOUG annual
> conference.
> <http://www.ukoug.org/>
> ***Jesse Liberty at The Software Association of New Hampshire, Beford,
>    NH--Dec 6
> Author Jesse Liberty (Programming C# 3.0 and Programming ASP.NET) will
> be delivering a talk on Microsoft Silverlight.
> <http://www.swanh.org/>
> ***James Shore Will Be Leading a Workshop at San Francisco BayAPLN, San
>    Francisco, CA--Dec 11
> Author James Shore (The Art of Agile Development) will be leading a
> workshop entitled "Agile Planning in Action" at San Francisco Bay's
> APLN. This popular and novel workshop introduces participants to agile
> planning by allowing them to plan their own tutorial. Participants learn
> the basics of agile planning, then use those lessons to create a
> tutorial covering the agile topics they're most interested in. When
> they're done, James will deliver the tutorial on the spot! This is a
> great session that exposes participants to the benefits and challenges
> of real agile planning. Plus, participants get a second tutorial on the
> subjects they care about most.
> <http://bayapln.org/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1>
> ***Jesse Liberty at "The Day of Silverlight," Heathrow, FL--Dec 15
> Author Jesse Liberty (Programming C# 3.0 and Programming ASP.NET) will
> be delivering a talk on Microsoft Silverlight.
> <http://www.onetug.org/dayofsilverlight/>
> ================================================
> Conference News
> ================================================
> ***Registration for TOC is now open, New York, NY--February 11-13
> Technology is transforming publishing. Are you ready for the future?
> This conference is a must attend event for anyone interested in shaping
> the future of the business of books.
> <http://www.toccon.com>
> Use code "toc08usrg" when you register, and receive 15% off
> the early registration price.
> To register for the conference, go to:
> <http://en.oreilly.com/toc2008/public/content/register>
> ***The call for participation for Velocity, the Web Performance and
>    Operations Conference, is now open.
> Velocity, a new O'Reilly event happening June 23-24 in Burlingame, CA,
> is dedicated to obtaining the crucial skills and knowledge to build web
> sites that are fast, scalable, resilient, and highly available. Are you
> a web developer, engineer, or technical manager doing outstanding work
> to optimize the experience of your users? If so, we want to hear from
> you.The submission deadline for all proposals is midnight January 3,
> 2008.
> <http://conferences.oreilly.com/velocity>
> ***The call for participation is open for RailsConf 2008, happening
>    May 29--June 1, 2008 in Portland, OR.
> Ruby Central and O'Reilly Media are seeking leaders for RailsConf
> sessions and tutorials, including a large number of advanced-level
> proposals for the 2008 event. Proposals are due December 13.
> <http://conferences.oreilly.com/rails/>
> ***Last Chance--Where 2.0 2008 Call for Participation ends November 26
> O'Reilly Media invites technologists and strategists, CTOs and CIOs,
> technology evangelists and scouts, researchers, programmers,
> geographers, researchers and academics, artists and activists, business
> developers, and entrepreneurs to lead conference sessions and tutorials
> at Where 2.0 2008. Where 2.0 will be held May 12-14, 2008 at the San
> Francisco Airport Marriott in Burlingame, California, US. Proposals are
> due no later than November 26, 2007.
> <http://conferences.oreilly.com/where/>
> ================================================
> O'Reilly School of Technology
> ================================================
> ***O'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive
>    a 30% Discount
> O'Reilly School of Technology has opened its virtual doors with
> educational offerings and certification for IT students looking to
> further their careers or to launch one. As an O'Reilly User Group
> member, you save on all the courses in the following University of
> Illinois Certificate Series:
> -Linux/Unix System Administration
> -Web Programming
> -Open Source Programming
> -.NET Programming
> -Client-Side Web Programming featuring AJAX
> To redeem, use Promotion Code "ORALL1" good for a 30% discount,
> in Step #2 of the enrollment process. Each course comes with a free
> O'Reilly book and a 7-day money-back guarantee.
> Register online:
> <http://www.oreillyschool.com/?CMP=BAC-ostug>
> ================================================
> News From O'Reilly & Beyond
> ================================================
> ---------------------
> UG News
> ---------------------
> ***NoVa Code Camp, Reston, VA--November 17
> NoVa Code Camp 2007.02, a free conference-quality event led, organized
> and attended by the local community. Topics include Visual Studio Team
> System, Visual Studio Professional Edition, Visual Studio Tools for
> Microsoft Office System, Visual Studio Standard Edition, Visual Studio
> Express Editions, .NET Framework, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.0,
> Silverlight, Expression Studio, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows
> Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows
> CardSpace, and Visual Studio 2005.
> <http://www.novacodecamp.org/>
> ***Flex Camp Boston, Bentley College, Waltham, MA--December 7
> Advance your Flex skills, meet members of the Adobe Flex team and
> network with local companies and fellow developers. Flex Camp Boston is
> a full-day event featuring some top industry experts on Adobe Flex and
> AIR from both inside and outside Adobe. Sessions will be geared towards
> developers with moderate to advanced levels of experience with Flex
> and/or ActionScript. There will be plenty of giveaways, raffles and swag
> (and lunch). At $10, you can't beat the price! The event will be held on
> December 7 at the LaCava Center of Bentley College in Waltham from 8am
> to 5pm (registration from 8-8:30).
> <http://www.flexcampboston.com/>
> ***2007 December Coders Social, Portland, OR--December 11th
> Multiple Portland programming users groups are going to combine meetings
> into one large meeting. This will be a socializing, festive atmosphere
> meant to allow the local group members to get to know each other a bit
> better.
> <http://pdxgroups.pbwiki.com/2007-December-Coders-Social>
> ***The Bay Area Functional Programmers continued their tour of
>    Functional Web Frameworks
> In November David Pollak presented lift <http://liftweb.net/>, his
> Scala-based web framework. David's talk followed HAppS
> <http://happs.org/>, a Haskell web framework, talk in October. BayFP
> finishes the series with Yariv Sadan presenting the Erlang framework
> ErlyWeb <http://erlyweb.org/> in December. Videos & slides are available
> for all the talks at the BayFP blog.
> <http://bayfp.org/blog>
> ***DIY O'Reilly Gear
> Create Your Own Calendar, Shirt, Notebook, Poster...In just three easy
> steps you can create one of a kind calendars, greeting cards, keychains,
> luggage tags, magnets, mousepads, mugs, notebooks, postcards, posters,
> shirts, hoodies, and stickers adorned with your favorite O'Reilly
> animals.
> <http://www.qoop.com/photobooks/photofront/pub_store.php?pub_name=oreilly>
> ---------------------
> Articles
> ---------------------
> ***What's New in Ubuntu 7.10? (a.k.a. Gutsy Gibbon)
> Ubuntu is arguably the most popular desktop Linux distribution out
> today. On the 18th of October, the latest release, 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)
> was released. Here is a comprehensive history of Ubuntu and a look at
> some of the many new and improved features.
> <http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2007/09/26/whats-new-in-ubuntu-710-aka-gutsy-gibbon.html>
> ***Flash CS3 Screencast
> Sometimes reading about a feature just isn't enough. When you need to
> see how a program works, try a Missing Manual screencast--video
> tutorials accompanied by step by step guidance, here's the latest one
> on Flash.
> <http://examples.oreilly.com/flashcs3mm/screencasts/flash_drawing_modes/screencast.html>
> ***Bre Pettis From MAKE Magazine on WIRED Science
> Bre shows off a High Speed Photography Hack in this video on the new PBS
> show WIRED Science.
> <http://www.pbs.org/kcet/wiredscience/video/213-high_speed_photos.html>
> ***Yahoo's Web Performance Guru: 14 Tenets for Speeding Up Sites
> In seven years at Yahoo!, Steve Souders had focused most of his effort
> on back-end engineering tasks like squeezing more performance out of a
> database, or optimizing the memory usage in C++ programs running on a
> server. Three years ago, when he was named Chief Performance Yahoo! and
> charged with improving the user experience for visitors to Yahoo! Web
> sites, he expected it would mean doing more of the same.
> <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_zdbln/is_200710/ai_n21044677>
> ***Google Calling: Inside Android, the gPhone SDK
> Google has finally unwrapped the gPhone, and rather than a product, it's
> a platform called Android. Today, Google is releasing an early SDK for
> Android and Brian DeLacey has been given an early preview of what
> you'll find inside.
> <http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2007/11/12/google-calling-inside-the-gphone-sdk.html>
> ***The Mojo of Dojo
> Few use raw JavaScript anymore if they can possibly avoid it, in the
> same way that few people code in assembly language. Dojo is one of a
> group of powerful JavaScript toolkits that can do a lot of the work for
> you, and Matthew Russell has put together this introduction.
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/onlamp/2007/11/01/the-mojo-of-dojo.html>
> ***Rick Sammon's Travel Tips for Photographers
> Seasoned travel photographer Rick Sammon sits down with Derrick Story in
> the O'Reilly Media booth at PhotoPlus Expo '07 in New York City. In this
> podcast, Rick draws upon his experiences to offer good advice for
> photographers on the go.
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/digitalmedia/2007/10/26/rick-sammon.html>
> ***DIY Surround-Sound DVDs
> Learn how to make 5.1-channel Dolby Digital DVDs at home without pricey
> pro software. Plus--a sneaky way to hook multiple speakers to a stock
> Mac.
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/digitalmedia/2007/10/25/diy-surround-sound-dvds.html>
> For more articles, go to:
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/>
> ---------------------
> Blogs
> -------------------
> ***My paperless office
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/mac/blog/2007/11/my_paperless_office.html>
> ***Is Apple Losing To Microsoft On Python Integration?
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2007/11/is_apple_losing_to_microsoft_o.html>
> ***If Social Networking Sites *Really* Wanted to Interoperate
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2007/11/if_social_networking_sites_rea.html>
> ***Flash Killers ---Java FX, Silverlight, Groovy and Xoetrope
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/onjava/blog/2007/11/flash_killers_java_fx_silverli.html>
> ***Skinny Languages and Fat Tools
> <http://beautifulcode.oreillynet.com/2007/10/skinny_languages_and_fat_tools.php>
> ***OpenSocial: It's the data, stupid
> <http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2007/11/opensocial_social_mashups.html>
> For more blogs, go to:
> <http://www.oreillynet.com/>
> Until next time--
> Marsee Henon
> ================================================================
> O'Reilly
> 1005 Gravenstein Highway North
> Sebastopol, CA   95472
> http://ug.oreilly.com/  http://ug.oreilly.com/creativemedia/
> ================================================================
> --
> ubuntu-us-ut mailing list
> ubuntu-us-ut at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ut

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