[ubuntu-us-ut] Ubuntu Utah Meeting Tonite

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 17 18:18:14 GMT 2007

One more reminder about the Ubuntu Utah Team Meeting this evening.
We'll be discussing find vs locate (presented by herlo) and also
beagle vs tracker (presented by kkubasik).  Details on the location
and times are below:

ECE Computer Lab - Room 2555
University of Utah
50 Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT
MAP - http://tinyurl.com/2k8px2

Let's try to start by 6:00pm so get there a little early.  I will be
brining case badges for anyone that hasn't gotten them yet as well as
piles of CDs.

We can use the computers and monitors as long as we don't erase
anything or break anything.  So if people want to bring computers,
they can use the monitors, keyboards and mice we have here instead of
bringing them.

We can also use the overhead projector.

We have wireless and wired access.

The front door is often locked, but the back door is always open if
the front is locked. People needing to be let in can call my desk
phone at 801-581-6055.
But the back door should be open.

After 6 the parking is not enforced except for a few parking spaces in
the front row.

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