[ubuntu-us-ut] Multi Distro Release Party - Sat Nov 10th, 1-5pm

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 19:50:12 GMT 2007

On Nov 7, 2007 12:07 PM, Kevin Kubasik <kevin at kubasik.net> wrote:
> Awesome! Me and some interested friends will be there!

So that looks like at least half-a-dozen from our team to represent,
help install and answer questions.

@David - I can take a look at your wireless card if you bring it down,
sure.  No promises, but I have generally been pretty successful with
that stuff.  We'll do our best.

See you guys on Saturday

ohh, p.s. I'll have my local Ubuntu mirror available so installs and
upgrades should go pretty quickly.  w00t.

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