[ubuntu-us-ut] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 20]

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 21 00:29:39 BST 2007

Latest O'Reilly info guys...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, July 20
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 13:49:11 -0700
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: christer.edwards at ubuntu.com

Hi there

You can now purchase PDF copies of most of our books by the chapter for
just $3.99. Look for the "Buy PDF of Chapter" button on selected book
catalog pages and get just the content you need. Here's an example:

Let me know if you're going to Linuxworld, Photoshop World,
or PhotoPlus Expo. We're looking for UGs who can pick up our
extra books at the end of the show.

Travel Update:

I'll be attending OSCON July 23-27 in Portland and then Linuxworld on
August 7. Stop by and say hi if you're going to be there too.

We have free expo hall passes for Linuxworld, let me know if you
need one and I'll send the PDF.

Just in case you missed it here's a song about Perl on YouTube by Pudge:

I'm looking for Amazon and Slashdot reviewers for any of our new
titles. Are you or your members are interested?

Here's our new release list to take a look at.

Lastly, if you would prefer to receive this email in HTML instead of
text, drop me a line.


O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
July 20, 2007
***Put Up a Banner Get a Free Book
We're looking for user groups to display our discount banners on their
web sites. If you send me your group's site with one or more banners,
I'll send you the O'Reilly book(s) of your choice. Choose from
the following list:

RailsConf Europe

School of Technology Banners

35% off User Group Discount Banner

O'Reilly News for User Group Members
July 20, 2007
New Releases--Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts
Get 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing,
Pragmatic Bookshelf, Rocky Nook, SitePoint, or YoungJin books
you purchase directly from O'Reilly.

Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.

Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more.
For more details, go to:

Did you know you can request a free book or PDF to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

***iPhone: The Missing Manual
ISBN 10: 0596513747

***3ds Max 9.0 (Young Jin)
ISBN 10: 8931433719

***Ableton Live 6 Tips and Tricks (PC Publishing)
ISBN 10: 1906005028

***ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns
ISBN 10: 0596528469

***Adding Ajax
ISBN 10: 0596529368

***Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) for JavaScript Developers Pocket Guide
ISBN 10: 0596515197

***An Introduction to Testing Web Applications with twill and Selenium
ISBN 10: 0596527802

***Beautiful Code
ISBN 10: 0596510047

***Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual
ISBN 10: 0596510438

***Dynamic Learning: Photoshop CS3
ISBN 10: 0596510616

***Essential ActionScript 3.0
ISBN 10: 0596526946

***Excel Hacks, Second Edition
ISBN 10: 0596528345

***Fast Guide to Cubase 4 (PC Publishing)
ISBN 10: 1906005001

***Forbidden LEGO (No Starch)
ISBN 10: 1593271379

***Groovy Recipes (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
ISBN 10: 0978739299

***How to Build an SMS Service
ISBN 10: 0596515138

***Implementing BEA Portal 92
ISBN 10: 0596514026

***Intel Threading Building Blocks
ISBN 10: 0596514808

***Learning Flash Media Server 2
ISBN 10: 0596510411

***Learning Web Design, Third Edition
ISBN 10: 0596527527

***Low Budget Shooting (Hard Cover) (Rocky Nook)
ISBN 10: 1933952105

***Mastering Perl
ISBN 10: 0596527241

***Music Projects with Ableton Live (PC Publishing)
ISBN 10: 1870775260

***MySQL Pocket Reference, Second Edition
ISBN 10: 0596514263

***Network Warrior
ISBN 10: 0596101511

***Photoshop CS3 Photographer's Handbook (Rocky Nook)
ISBN 10: 1933952113

***Photoshop Lightroom Adventure
ISBN 10: 059610099X

***PHP and Smarty on Large-Scale Web Development
ISBN 10: 0596513798

***Podcasting Tricks (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
ISBN 10: 0978739272

***Programming Erlang (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
ISBN 10: 193435600X

***Regular Expression Pocket Reference, Second Edition
ISBN 10: 0596514271

***Ruby Pocket Reference
ISBN 10: 0596514816

***Securing Ajax Applications
ISBN 10: 0596529317

***Simply JavaScript (SitePoint)
ISBN 10: 0980285801

***Unobtrusive Ajax
ISBN 10: 0596510241

***Windows Admin Programming with Visual C# 2005 Little Black Book
ISBN 10: 1933097205

***Windows Vista Accelerated (Young Jin)
ISBN 10: 8931434383

***Windows Vista Administration: The Definitive Guide
ISBN 10: 0596529597

***XML Publishing with InDesign CS2+
ISBN 10: 0596513992

***MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus

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