[ubuntu-us-ut] [Fwd: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, June 19]

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 1 03:21:32 BST 2007

Latest O'Reilly books and news

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, June 19
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 10:40:38 -0700
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: christer.edwards at ubuntu.com

Hi there

Hope your summer is off to a great start. I know mine is.

I had great fun at my first Tech*Ed in Orlando, FL. Thanks to everyone
who stopped by to say hi. I would also like to thank all the hard
working INETA <http://www.ineta.org/> leaders for putting on another
successful User Group Leader Summit. I look forward to visiting more.
Here's a photo of the Florida UG leaders.

INETA with the Help of Culminis <http://culminis.org/> organized all
the Birds of a Feather sessions at Tech*Ed this year.

Thanks to everyone who attened Ignite Boston last month. The event was a
blast and we hope to plan more. Here's a list of speakers:

and some Flickr photos:

Do you have a Code Camp or other special event coming up? Don't forget
to ask me for books and catalogs for your attendees. Just send me the
list of books, the shipping location, and give me enough time to get
them there.

Travel alert:

If you are going to be in Portland, OR for OSCON or Ubuntu Live the week
of July 22 let me know (if I already asked you, no need to tell me
again.) It would be great to find a time to meet you.

Lastly, if you would prefer to receive this email in text instead of HTML,
drop me a line.

Thanks for your help!


O'Reilly UG Program News--Just for User Group Leaders
June 18, 2007
***Put Up a Banner Get a Free Book
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School of Technology Banners

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Ubuntu Live Conference

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O'Reilly News for User Group Members
June 18, 2007
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Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more.
For more details, go to:

Did you know you can request a free book or PDF to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.

For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:

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***Ruby by Example (No Starch)
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***Setting Up Google Apps Standard Edition
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***Simply JavaScript (SitePoint)
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***Windows Vista Accelerated (Young Jin)
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