[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Thinking of a CO trip in Feb]]

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 03:03:28 GMT 2007

I would be very interested in doing this. If I'd be the only one it
might change my tune though. Anyone else tentatively planning on this?

On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 00:21 -0700, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> We have a cool invitation to visit Colorado.  Malcolm Yates,
> Canonical's ISV, will be coming to Colorado before vising New York
> on Feb 12 & 13 (Monday & Tues).  Details are in the forwarded
> messages below.  Flights are only $99, so, if there is enough
> interest, we could have a party with the Colorado Team on Sunday,
> then do something with Malcolm on Monday/Tuesday.  Because Colorado
> is our neighboring state, and Joey Stanford has made the effort to
> forward this on, I say we do it.  If we can get enough interest, we
> should be able to book plane tickets a bit cheaper.
> And... there might, just might, be some "MacBook Killers" that Joey
> blogged about from System76 there, as well.  They are going for
> about $900.
> So, what do you think?  Are you in? :)
> - --
> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Aaron Toponce               _  Join the ASCII Ribbon Campaign |
> |OALUG President            ( ) http://www.asciiribbon.org     |
> |http://www.aarontoponce.org X  Against HTML e-mail            |
> |http://www.oalug.com       / \ Against proprietary attachments|
> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
> Hi Malc,
> Excellent.  It'll be a wee bit cold but we'll be here. The LoCo's
> team meeting is 2 Feb so you'll miss that but we can have a special
> gathering for you someplace local.  Denver is probably the most
> appropriate place since it's during a work week.
> The best business partner is System76 so I'm sure if they aren't
> traveling they'll be around to greet you.  Carl might have other
> ideas for you.  I'll cross post this to our LoCo list to see if
> further ideas come up.
> As for what to do while you are here. The generic answer is head up
> into the mountains and go skiing/snowboarding.
> http://colorado.com/  can provide you an overview of all the winter
> wonderland activities.  If you're not the skiing type, Colorado is
> the micro-brew capital of the USA so finding a good pub isn't too
> difficult.  :-)
> By copy to Tristan, I'll have him get the word out to Utah in case
> any of them will be in town that week.
> Joey
> <<------>>
> Malcolm Yates wrote:
> All, I am in the US for the Linux Expo in NY feb 14/15, and rather
> than miss an opportunity, I am considering being in Colorado for the
> 12/13 feb.
> What I'd like is to
> a) meet you all
> b) meet some more local businesses or potential partners
> c) meet with the local community
> Now I know that you are all spread across CO, an two days is not
> that much, but if there are any particular things I should do, any
> particular people I should meet, could you let me know ?
> Joey - not quite sure where the LoCo Team hangs out, but would love
> to see if we can some time with you too.  In particular, the
> business opportunities would be interesting  ;-)
> Thanks.
> Malc
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iQEVAwUBRbHC+M55Ebf8BAiPAQrqdQf/V8Wz7KiOhbHnmQBW2F0/xG8nIvfJqaay
> +DpqvvrP4dAHvWjPG421W+4oylrlvHDvAOIov9shUI2IA/8Ibe3b63J9tu5gbSJc
> iTLu6HzHmJ8/El2r78SIJpPpXju8BekWA/+EA8HNF0+wbWgEVlSBIKpZgTKK/X0A
> mvnwu1jlO8173WdJHnr2ttOAHDo+27yB6rQ62S2rtAhybp/UC8YVSzbBHdaqAek5
> ZxWOq8NQWhgaIUhph22cysazqvJMYQI/NBvFXU9pbLAPEvejC3Mfsv36dSkBnCT6
> MvelMPAgq+ZJLrqNbZPSXD/rfReKBcn3eN59I6dob1bsV/NnvpNVDA==
> =m7SE
> email message attachment (Re: Thinking of a CO trip in Feb.eml)
> > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > From: Joey Stanford <jjs at ubuntu.com>
> > To: mdy at canonical.com
> > Cc: Dianne Ursini <dursini at technalign.com>, Garret Acott
> > <garret at ruffdogs.com>, Carl Richell <carl at system76.com>, Ubuntu
> > Colorado Local Community Team
> > <coloco at lists.coloco.ubuntu-rocks.org>, tristan at witenko.com
> > Subject: Re: Thinking of a CO trip in Feb
> > Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 17:45:08 -0700
> > 
> > Hi Malc,
> > 
> > Excellent.  It'll be a wee bit cold but we'll be here. The LoCo's team
> > meeting is 2 Feb so you'll miss that but we can have a special gathering
> > for you someplace local.  Denver is probably the most appropriate place
> > since it's during a work week.
> > 
> > The best business partner is System76 so I'm sure if they aren't
> > traveling they'll be around to greet you.  Carl might have other ideas
> > for you.  I'll cross post this to our LoCo list to see if further ideas
> > come up.
> > 
> > As for what to do while you are here. The generic answer is head up into
> > the mountains and go skiing/snowboarding. 
> > http://colorado.com/  can provide you an overview of all the winter
> > wonderland activities.  If you're not the skiing type, Colorado is the
> > micro-brew capital of the USA so finding a good pub isn't too difficult. :-)
> > 
> > By copy to Tristan, I'll have him get the word out to Utah in case any
> > of them will be in town that week.
> > 
> > Joey
> > 
> > Malcolm Yates wrote:
> > > All, I am in the US for the Linux Expo in NY feb 14/15, and rather than miss 
> > > an opportunity, I am considering being in Colorado for the 12/13 feb.
> > >
> > > What I'd like is to 
> > >
> > > a) meet you all
> > > b) meet some more local businesses or potential partners
> > > c) meet with the local community
> > >
> > > Now I know that you are all spread across CO, an two days is not that much, 
> > > but if there are any particular things I should do, any particular people I 
> > > should meet, could you let me know ?
> > >
> > > Joey - not quite sure where the LoCo Team hangs out, but would love to see if 
> > > we can some time with you too.
> > >
> > > In particular, the business opportunities would be interesting ;-)
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> > >
> > > Malc
> > >
> > >   
> > 
> > 
Christer Edwards
christer.edwards at gmail.com
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