Feisty Release Party
Christer Edwards
christer.edwards at gmail.com
Mon Jan 1 01:25:20 GMT 2007
Happy New Year!
I'm excited to get going into 2007 and want to do twice as much this
next year than we did last year. We can do it, I'm sure. It won't be
hard considering that this time last year we had 1/10th of the members
we do now!
I want to announce or propose a Feisty Release Party and make some
noise with it this time! Feisty release is planned for April 19th,
2007 and there are a few things I'd like to get planned for this
1) A rockin' release party for us all to get together. Help others
get Feisty installed and show off all the great features.
2) Coordinate a torrent storm to get the new .iso out as far and as
fast as we can!
3) Anyone with a blog can post detailed reviews of Feisty's new
features. Publicity!
I have asked Cat (HoneyShiv) to oversee the planning for the event.
If anyone has specific suggestions or comments on what, where, how &
when please contact her. I would suggest we postpone our normal
second-saturday meeting till the following week and have the party
then. This would mean April 21, 2007 for our monthly meeting &
release party.
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Post 'em here or send 'em to
catlee.edwards at gmail.com.
Christer Edwards
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