[ubuntu-us-ut] Dec 8th Ubuntu Utah Meeting

Omar Shami bigfox at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 21:24:18 GMT 2007

Just a quick note.

Its the Merrill Engineering Building if you need to ask anybody on 
campus directions, this will make it easier.

During weekends, the parking is MOSTLY public.  There are a few reserved 
parking spaces in the front row of the parking lot.  I am also not sure 
how they handle the parking meters (Also on the front row) during the 
To be on the safe side, just don't park on the front row.

Christer Edwards wrote:
> Team - I wanted to get the meeting announcement out today.  This
> upcoming Saturday (Dec 8th) we'll be having our final meeting of the
> year.  I think it would be nice to finally get the
> ssh/encryption/tunneling presentation out of the way that we've been
> putting off since October.
> I'll present on ssh, tunneling and basic network encryption
> 6:00pm - 8:30pm + general chit-chat
> University of Utah
> 50 Central Campus Drive
> Room 2555
> Salt Lake City, UT
> MAP - http://tinyurl.com/2k8px2
> Basically, if you look at the sattelite view of the Google map you'll
> see a parking lot to the north of the building.  Park any place in
> there (Omar, can you verify its all public parking?).  Walk down to
> the building on the south there and find room 2555.  Hopefully we
> don't have as much trouble finding it as we did last time and we can
> start on time.
> I'll try to keep the presentation to just one hour so we can also
> dedicate some time to general chat, tech support, etc.  If anyone has
> any questions please let me know.  This event is also listed on our
> team Calendar, via google calendar available here:
> XML - http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/f2qu3oi4ej39uhsthf8r1a1se8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic
> iCAL - http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/f2qu3oi4ej39uhsthf8r1a1se8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
> Christer

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