[ubuntu-us-ut] Ubuntu Utah Team Survey

Jason Edwards jtanium at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 00:44:13 BST 2007

I think most everyone has taken the survey, here are the results:

==== Executive Summary ====
- Two-thirds use Ubuntu as their primary desktop.
- Nearly everyone converted from Windows.
- Ubuntu Desktop is most common, followed by Server, then Kubuntu.
- Nearly everyone runs Ubuntu on x86, and about half on x86-64
- The topics people would like to learn about, in order, are:
	1. Security
	2. Scripting
	3. Networking
	4. Web Servers / SELinux & AppArmour (tied)
	5. Databases / Virtualization / Editors / Distributed Filesystems (tied)
- Roughly half the group has been using Linux for more than five years
- Most of the group has been using Ubuntu for at least a couple years.

==== Complete Results ====
1. Is Ubuntu your primary desktop operating system?
 Yes		 69.6% 	 16
 No		 30.4% 	 7

2. Before Linux, what was your primary desktop operating system?
 Linux was my first		 0.0% 	 0
 Mac OS 9, or earlier		 4.4% 	 1
 Mac OS X		 4.4% 	 1
 Windows (e.g. 3.1, 95, NT, 98, Me, 2000, XP)		 91.3% 	 21
 Other (please specify)		 0.0% 	 0

3. Which edition(s) of Ubuntu do you use
 Ubuntu Desktop Edition		 78.3% 	 18
 Kubuntu Desktop Edition		 39.1% 	 9
 Xubuntu Desktop Edition		 13.0% 	 3
 Edubuntu Desktop Edition		 0.0% 	 0
 Ubuntu Server Edition		 52.2% 	 12

4. What hardware platforms do you run Ubuntu on?
 x86 (e.g. Pentium, Celeron, Athlon, Sempron)		 95.7% 	 22
 x86-64 (e.g. Athlon64, Intel Core 2)		 39.1% 	 9
 PowerPC (e.g. G3, G4, G5, IBM)		 4.4% 	 1
 Sparc or UltraSparc		 0.0% 	 0

5. What aspects of Ubuntu are you interested in learning more about?
 Web Servers (e.g. Apache)		 50.0% 	 11
 Proxying/Caching (e.g. squid)		 27.3% 	 6
 Database Server (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL)		 45.5% 	 10
 Mail (e.g. Sendmail, Postfix, Zimbra)		 40.9% 	 9
 DNS (bind)		 31.8% 	 7
 dhcp (dhcpd)		 27.3% 	 6
 Scripting (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby)		 63.6% 	 14
 Security (e.g. iptables, rootkits, Bastille)		 72.7% 	 16
 SELinux vs AppArmor (AppArmor will be included in Gutsy)		 50.0% 	 11
 Networking (e.g. iptables, route, network basics (layers, subnets))		
54.6% 	 12
 Virtualization (e.g. VirtualBox, OpenVNZ, Xen, Linux V-Server)		 45.5% 	 10
 Migration Questions and Tips (for new or prospective users)		 31.8% 	 7
 Editors (e.g. g/vi/m, emacs, gedit, kate)		 45.5% 	 10
 Distributed File Systems (e.g. nfs, samba, sshfs, ftp)		 45.5% 	 10
	1.	more info or demo on Xubuntu, Edubuntu, gimp, video and audio editing tools?
	 2.	MythTV and Ubuntu Studio
	 3.	playing dvds
	 4.	VNC and other remote desktop options
	 5.	distributed scms (git, mercurial, bazaar, etc.)
	 6.	Desktop Applications/Usage (i.e. photo/video editing, OpenOffice,
email client comparisons, CAD, etc)
	 7.	Home theater system using Ubuntu
	 8.	remote desktop (nx server); ssh tunnelling, etc.
	 9.	chroot, SSL

6. How many years have you been using Linux?
	1.	1-5		52.2%	12
	2.	5-10		30.4%	7
	3.	10+		17.4%	4

7. How many years have you been using Ubuntu?
	1.	3	21.8%	5
	2.	2	43.4%	10
	3.	1	30.4%	7
	4.	0	4.4%	1

Thanks to everyone for their participation!


On 8/23/07, Jason Edwards <jtanium at gmail.com> wrote:
> FYI, I only have a basic account on SurveyMonkey, so I can't easily
> share the results.  I figured some of you would be curious about the
> results.  So here it goes:
> 1. Is Ubuntu your primary desktop operating system?
>  Yes             64.7%   11
>  No              35.3%   6
> 2. Before Linux, what was your primary desktop operating system?
>  Linux was my first              0.0%    0
>  Mac OS 9, or earlier            0.0%    0
>  Mac OS X                0.0%    0
>  Windows (e.g. 3.1, 95, NT, 98, Me, 2000, XP)            100.0%          17
>  Other (please specify)          0.0%    0
> 3. Which edition(s) of Ubuntu do you use?:
>  Ubuntu Desktop Edition          76.5%   13
>  Kubuntu Desktop Edition                 35.3%   6
>  Xubuntu Desktop Edition                 11.8%   2
>  Edubuntu Desktop Edition                0.0%    0
>  Ubuntu Server Edition           58.8%   10
> 4. What hardware platforms do you run Ubuntu on?
>  x86 (e.g. Pentium, Celeron, Athlon, Sempron)            94.1%   16
>  x86-64 (e.g. Athlon64, Intel Core 2)            35.3%   6
>  PowerPC (e.g. G3, G4, G5, IBM)          0.0%    0
>  Sparc or UltraSparc             0.0%    0
> 5. What aspects of Ubuntu are you interested in learning more about?
>  Web Servers (e.g. Apache)               62.5%   10
>  Proxying/Caching (e.g. squid)           31.3%   5
>  Database Server (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL)                56.3%   9
>  Mail (e.g. Sendmail, Postfix, Zimbra)           43.8%   7
>  DNS (bind)              37.5%   6
>  dhcp (dhcpd)            31.3%   5
>  Scripting (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby)             62.5%   10
>  Security (e.g. iptables, rootkits, Bastille)            81.3%   13
>  SELinux vs AppArmor (AppArmor will be included in Gutsy)                56.3%   9
>  Networking (e.g. iptables, route, network basics (layers, subnets))
> 68.8%    11
>  Virtualization (e.g. VirtualBox, OpenVNZ, Xen, Linux V-Server)          43.8%   7
>  Migration Questions and Tips (for new or prospective users)             31.3%   5
>  Editors (e.g. g/vi/m, emacs, gedit, kate)               62.5%   10
>  Distributed File Systems (e.g. nfs, samba, sshfs, ftp)          50.0%   8
>  Other:
>          1.     playing dvds
>          2.     VNC and other remote desktop options
>          3.     distributed scms (git, mercurial, bazaar, etc.)
>          4.     Desktop Applications/Usage (i.e. photo/video editing, OpenOffice,
> email client comparisons, CAD, etc)
>          5.     Home theater system using Ubuntu
>          6.     remote desktop (nx server); ssh tunnelling, etc.
>          7.     chroot, SSL
> 6. How many years have you been using Linux?
>          1.     7
>          2.     1
>          3.     3
>          4.     1
>          5.     4
>          6.     2
>          7.     10
>          8.     1
>          9.     10
>          10.    6
>          11.    6
>          12.    15
>          13.    11
>          14.    8
>          15.    1
>          16.    8
>          17.    3
> 7. How many years have you been using Ubuntu?
>          1.     2
>          2.     1
>          3.     1
>          4.     1
>          5.     2
>          6.     2
>          7.     3
>          8.     1
>          9.     3
>          10.    3
>          11.    1
>          12.    2
>          13.    2
>          14.    4
>          15.    1
>          16.    2
>          17.    2+
> So there you have it.  Clearly, security is the number one area,
> followed by networking, and web servers and editors tied for third
> place.  All very good, and important, topics.
> BTW, not to sound defensive, but I didn't put anything asking what
> you'd like to present about, because, in my experience, given a topic,
> finding people to present is very easy.  And given that nearly a
> quarter of the respondents have been using Linux for ten or more
> years, and more than half have been using it for more than six years,
> I'm sure we have plenty of people that would be interested in
> presenting.
> Jason
> On 8/23/07, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > Team,
> >
> > One of our newer members has come up with a really good idea on
> > generating topics for future meetings.  Previously we have been using
> > the "pull and idea out of a hat" method, followed closely by whatever
> > someone volunteered for, and lastly by what ideas I came up with.
> > Really organized, I know.
> >
> > I'd like to present an Ubuntu Utah Survey, put together by Jason
> > (jtanium) with which we can generate some feedback.  It covers topics
> > such as:
> >
> > What version do you use?  What desktop do you use?  What topics would
> > you be interested in?  What was your previous OS? etc.
> >
> > I think its a good idea and a great way to generate some feedback from
> > the group.  Probably something that we should have put together long ago.
> >
> > Without further ado, here is the link.  Please take just a minute (and
> > it does take just a minute) to let us know what you'd be interested in
> > hearing about:
> > http://tinyurl.com/35pxe7
> >
> > Thank You,
> > --
> >
> > Christer Edwards
> > Founder, Utah Team
> > Mentor, US Teams Project
> > christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams
> >
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-us-ut mailing list
> > ubuntu-us-ut at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ut
> >
> >
> >

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