[ubuntu-us-ut] Ubuntu Utah Team Survey

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Thu Aug 23 18:47:59 BST 2007


One of our newer members has come up with a really good idea on
generating topics for future meetings.  Previously we have been using
the "pull and idea out of a hat" method, followed closely by whatever
someone volunteered for, and lastly by what ideas I came up with.
Really organized, I know.

I'd like to present an Ubuntu Utah Survey, put together by Jason
(jtanium) with which we can generate some feedback.  It covers topics
such as:

What version do you use?  What desktop do you use?  What topics would
you be interested in?  What was your previous OS? etc.

I think its a good idea and a great way to generate some feedback from
the group.  Probably something that we should have put together long ago.

Without further ado, here is the link.  Please take just a minute (and
it does take just a minute) to let us know what you'd be interested in
hearing about:

Thank You,

Christer Edwards
Founder, Utah Team
Mentor, US Teams Project
christer.edwards at ubuntu.com

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