[ubuntu-us-ut] key-signing follow-up and security level

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at ubuntu.com
Sun Aug 12 16:13:17 BST 2007

Thanks again to everyone that made it to the meeting last nite.  I think
we had a really great turnout and I know I had a lot of fun.

For those people that had me check to sign your key please let me know
if I haven't returned a signed copy yet.  I think I got everyone, but I
may have missed one.  For the rest of you, remember to bring your key
and ID to the next meeting and we'll get you signed then.

Also, I generally prefer to sign and encrypt email correspondence to you
if I have signed and trusted your key.  If you would *not* like me to do
this (or prefer it to one address vs another) please let me know
off-list so I can setup the proper per-recipient rules (one of the
coolest features of the enigmail extension).

Thank you  -- reminder, next months meeting will be at the Utah Open
Source Conference.  Please email me if you would like a discount code

Christer Edwards
Founder, Utah Team
Mentor, US Teams Project
christer.edwards at ubuntu.com

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