Install Fest / Release Party!

Christer Edwards christer.edwards at
Thu Oct 19 03:58:25 BST 2006


Many thanks to SPR ( and BYU for allowing us to
use space on campus for our upcoming Install Fest / Release Party.
Details and requirements below:

October 28th 11:00am - 3:00pm
WSC 3228 (Wilkinson Building) (requires flash)

The room can accommodate ~140 people so lets fill it up!

Edgy CDs!  Final release is the 26th so we'll need to burn some copies.
If everyone can bring a few copies we should be covered.

Dapper CDs!  For those that want longer term support & don't want a
release that's been out for two days (where's the fun in that?!) we can
use Dapper CDs.  Also, those look nicer and are printed.

Anyone that has anything they'd like to show off.  XGL, Compiz / Beryl,
Linux games, etc.  Let's show everyone what Ubuntu has to offer.

Any questions?

Christer Edwards
President, Ubuntu-Utah
christer.edwards at
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